Found an awesome new spot called BuzzMill!
I was here for like five minutes before I decided it was the coolest place in Austin
The best part about this place is that it's 24 hours
AND they have a communal Fire

I used to have one of these plants!
Kalanchoe—Mother of a Thousand
I was here for like five minutes before I decided it was the coolest place in Austin
The best part about this place is that it's 24 hours
AND they have a communal Fire
Set myself up on a table
Got some Bamboo goin'
They gave me a problem when I wanted to cook some root vegetables I acquired at the Farmer's Market over their fire pit
I did it anyways
(Sorry Tim—Needed to Cook these veggies!)
Got some Bamboo goin'
They gave me a problem when I wanted to cook some root vegetables I acquired at the Farmer's Market over their fire pit
I did it anyways
(Sorry Tim—Needed to Cook these veggies!)
It's mostly outdoor and the dirt ground and the old wood and wooden everything just make it feel so Old Austin.
It's Fantastic.
It's Fantastic.
I used to have one of these plants!
Kalanchoe—Mother of a Thousand
They like Bears and Dead Things here
Great me too
Great me too
Good Day of Work!
A saw broke on the job
But I figured I could salvage it...
I wrapped duck tape around newspaper to make a nice handle
It's perfect!
The best saw I've used yet!
My friend at work sharpened the end of it so it's a CUSTOM SAW KNIFE
I call it The HellBlade!
I watched my friend do the sharpening so I decided to give it a try!
I found this broken spatula
But it looked perfect to me!
I used the sander to smooth the broken jagged bits
But it looked perfect to me!
I used the sander to smooth the broken jagged bits
I sharpened one side!
Also I etched a J on there
'Cause I crafted it myself!
I Live for The Ride
The Ride To You
Clear to Me
I found a Diamond
In a crack while I was working hard on the Job
Double Dragon Dark Shooting Star
In a crack while I was working hard on the Job
Double Dragon Dark Shooting Star
I met a Beautiful couple and gave it to them.
I don't care what I get for my work
I care about my work being appreciated and going to whom it is meant to go to
I don't care what I get for my work
I care about my work being appreciated and going to whom it is meant to go to
Mr. and Mrs. Bear gave me some food
Which was amazing and special
Which was amazing and special
My first piece using Bone
I think it's a Toad Sternum maybe?
I don't know?
Found it on The Road
Etched away the opening and sealed it to Bamboo with Beeswax
I don't know?
Found it on The Road
Etched away the opening and sealed it to Bamboo with Beeswax
I fought Demons with THIS piece
Pretty sure I slew at least one of 'em...
Pretty sure I slew at least one of 'em...
And a Frenly Purple Shooting Star
These are like the greatest chips I've ever had in my life
Raccoon Mode Level MAX
Raccoon Mode Level MAX
In addition to trading for food at The Farmer's Market
They also compost a lot of stuff at the end
Perfectly good greens and tomatoes
Just gotta catch 'em (;
Vulture Mode Level MAX
This meal is all rescued food from various locations
And it was amazing and delicious
Eating a meal of food that was going to go to waste but I personally saved definitely gives an added feeling of pleasure.
I'm sorry I'm Just Too Good.
They also compost a lot of stuff at the end
Perfectly good greens and tomatoes
Just gotta catch 'em (;
Vulture Mode Level MAX
This meal is all rescued food from various locations
And it was amazing and delicious
Eating a meal of food that was going to go to waste but I personally saved definitely gives an added feeling of pleasure.
I'm sorry I'm Just Too Good.
This dumpster was right on the side of The Road
So one could only access it at like 4am
But dAYUM what finds!
Juice mixes and smoothies and guess what's in that bucket...
So one could only access it at like 4am
But dAYUM what finds!
Juice mixes and smoothies and guess what's in that bucket...
Think I can get away with a fire directly across from the fire station?
Won't know 'til I try lol!
Won't know 'til I try lol!
This person's yard is amazing
This right here is TRUE ART
The Lady came out and gave me water too while I was admiring
This right here is TRUE ART
The Lady came out and gave me water too while I was admiring
That's not a good place for Turtles!!!
That's better
Happy to be of service Mr. 'n Mrs. Turtle :D
That's better
Happy to be of service Mr. 'n Mrs. Turtle :D
I'm able to be a little lighter without the tent and non-essential/valuable things
A secure camp is a valuable thing
Frees up Space/Weight to pick up other things
Like Giant Pumpkins
A secure camp is a valuable thing
Frees up Space/Weight to pick up other things
Like Giant Pumpkins
This dumpster was stuffed with lots of tree branches
I pulled a whole bunch of 'em out and set 'em in a bundle
Giving the gift of a ready-to-go bonfire to the local street folk 'round here
I pulled a whole bunch of 'em out and set 'em in a bundle
Giving the gift of a ready-to-go bonfire to the local street folk 'round here
In the future I gotta get me one of these!
I hope I get my hat back
I'm sure my Sister is keeping it Safe
I'm sure my Sister is keeping it Safe
Dragons are Powerful beings of Love
I wouldn't want to Ness with one at Night
Itinerant (American) Worker Construction Mode!
First day on the new job
"Smash these rocks and move the stuff over there"
Just being here I'm able to learn so much!
Even laborious menial jobs become joyous when I'm learning stuff or building technique with a new tool !
Got fired from the other job
One of the dudes had a big ego
He kept disrespecting me in different ways
Just shrugged most of that stuff off
Also giving me the hard jobs while he chilled on his phone
I didn't care
I find the work itself rewarding
The Harder the better
As long as it's not causing irreparable damage to your body
So the dude knew I wasn't spending any money on anything
One morning he confronts me about tools
Starts saying I can't use his tools anymore
(I didn't even have a problem with the guy
My Way just triggered his ego
And he couldn't beat me lol)
So I pick up a hammer and say,
"Look, we can share this hammer. You're creating a problem."
He says if I won't buy my own tools I can't work for him
I say, "Well I don't work for you, I work for [The owner]"
So at that he walks away
The next day I'm told it's my last day
The supervisor man says they just don't need me anymore
I accept that but it doesn't seem to align with what they were telling me when they hired me just like two weeks ago...
So I e-mail the owner just expressing some gratitude about the opportunity
He responds with his disappointment about me causing problems
Quote, "Since you did not want to help out the guys, you were not working and I should
have not paid you."
So, as I expected, the disrespectful dude underhandedly betrayed me
Misquoted me, and took what I said out of context, to get me fired
Yeah thanks dude for helping me get home
I went by the next day and gave the things that he had given me back
A half-used roll of tape
Two small water bottles
"Nice working with you."
I spoke to one of my friends I made there a couple days later
He reported it was a really hard, long day
Yeah, I was the hardest worker there.
We live in a Consumer Culture
This is a recurring theme on my blog here
The only way to be Free
Is to Free Your Self of Your Wants
I Want Good Things
I have a vision of my Future
What I'm trying to create
So I'm as Free as I want to be
Rather than working super hard to make someone else a bunch of money
I prefer working at my own pace
(which is pretty damn diligently if I do say so myself)
And working for my own endeavors
My Dreams
My Art
My Love
Lowering my monetary cost of living has allowed me to do this
A Tree Replanting Truck.
So the new job was going pretty well
Lots of hard work
Just the way I like it
I was meeting my coworkers and even though most didn't speak English we were eating Lunch and working together well enough and it was good
Third day on the job I finally meet the owner
Greet him with a respectful hand shake
He just asks what I'm doing and what I've been doing
All business no care okay whatever that's fine back to work
And I walk by the owner and one of the nice supervisors that gave me the chance to work
The supervisor gives me a new directive on what to do with the wood
Just a little confused I say,
"Oh okay so-and-so said to do this with the wood"
So then the owner steps forward and gets kinda in my face and is like
"WE'RE the boss you do what WE say"
And some other such "no back talk" kinda expression
So Internally I'm just like
What the Fuck?
I give the guy the benefit of the doubt though
Look at him with a raised eyebrow and talk real slow
"Uhmmm, maybe we got off on the wrong foot before..."
I place the wood I'm lugging down on the ground
Extend my hand
"My name's Justin Heriot."
"Yeah. I remember you from before."
He does not shake my hand and goes on a tirade about how he's the owner and once again I must follow his orders
I call him out on his disrespectful bullshit
He continues to flip out and tells me to take a hike
So I'm just like,
I go to the offices where LionHeart is parked
By the door to their office
I return the hardhat they let me borrow
I return the reflective vest they gave me
And I leave my cool modded workboots
Then I realize my lunch bag is still by the table in the work site
Right where everyone is.
I briefly consider just leaving it
They can have the food
But then remember there are some important containers that I borrowed and needed to return
So Boom—Gonna Ride Right the Fuck In like a BOSS
Mounted on my Epic Steed
Loaded down with saddles
I ride straight to my Lunch Bag
Gil (the rude owner) does not face me—rather he sends the nice supervisor to address me
"Don't worry Randy, I'm just getting my lunch bag."
He nods and backs off.
I leave a little bag of chips and tortillas for the guys
"Nice to meet to Luis!"
"Nice working with you Leo!"
Marcela asks me what happened
"Owner disrespected me. I wouldn't take it. He fired me. That's who you're working for. Watch out!"
Everyone heard me say THAT.
Most don't look over though
"Nice working with you Gentleman."
As I ride by Gil and Mr. Randy
I simply say
And on the way out
Oh, there's the client!
"What happened? Done already? Heh."
"Gil disrespected me. I wouldn't take it. He fired me. Okay."
And I rode off
Pondering how everyone's perception of Gil was impacted by the whole absurd affair
Now they're together!
<3 Yay <3
I returned on Friday to get my paycheck for my 2.5 days work
As I waited for Gil or Randy
I began working on a little Christmas Present
My previous co-workers walked by with raised eyebrows
"I'm here for what Gil owes me."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. An apology."
I learned he wasn't there
Which is too bad
As I'd of Loved to have faced him.
Randy approached as I was nearly done,
"Hey, uhm, I won't have your check until... Tomorrow. Sorry, you'll have to come back."
Already a step ahead of them.
"Mr. Randy, you seem like a good man. Could you actually do me a service?"
"Well firstly, I have an art piece here for Gil, as a Thank You for the opportunity to work. It's almost done..."
"Well, I'm leaving right now so, leave it over by the trailer there. I'll pass it on to him later."
"Ok sure. As for the check... Can you please make it out to Marcela?"
"Yeah, you know, the other man you just hired named Marcela? Please make the check out to him."
"You want me to make your check out to Marcela?"
"Well he's got kids so, yes, please."
He starts to drive off and looks back
"You really want me to give your paycheck Marcela?"
And away Randy drove.
Gil will get no Gratitude from me.
Do you like My Music?
I have not spent a single dollar on food in this city once
I get my food in a bunch of different ways
Sometimes people just give me food
Sometimes I find a really great find ina dumpster
Sometimes I'll rescue some peoples' leftovers just before they throw 'em away
Farmers Markets are amazing
Lots of free samples
At the end I go around and offer to help
The produce people will compost a lot of food at the end so helping to go through that is a pretty cool trick
My favorite though is trading art for food
Just about everybody at this Market has a Bamboo Pipe now haha
If you're in Austin
Sundays at 5th and Comal 11-3
Great Time Great People
Thanks ya'll!
Austin is easy mode though when it comes to weather
It's been nothing but sun aside from 2.5 days of straight freezing rain
Just after I was fired from the first job
It was pretty bleak
I just huddled in my tent
Trying to stay warm and dry
This has actually been a Massive Challenge
Coming into Austin on the bicycle
And trying to establish myself here
Without spending a Dollar
"You should be Dead!"
Still Above The Ground
Still Fightin' The Good Fight
Still Fightin' The Good Fight
The World doesn't always let me be this
My Heart is Rock Solid
Rather than Judge me
As some are want to do
People aught to speak with me and learn what I have learned from my experience
As some are want to do
People aught to speak with me and learn what I have learned from my experience
I am what I am doing.
I am this because it is who I want to be.
What will being me—this me—Do?
What will happen to me?
Where and How will I apply
My Free Will?
I am this because it is who I want to be.
What will being me—this me—Do?
What will happen to me?
Where and How will I apply
My Free Will?
Example of Free Will
This Blog!
All Art—actually—is a good example of Free Will
That's what makes Art so cool!
What are you doing with your Will?
What are you creating?
Quote of the Month:
"Y'know what's better than Meth? Me!!"
Of Course I Want Victory
We're ALL trying to win
Victory is MUTUAL LOVE
If I don't have that
If I don't have that
It's okay if you Fall and are Playing
Just don't have wicked intentions
See your wickedness and turn away

And if you wanna go play around in the Darkness
Just know there's a cost
I'm not playing.
And if you wanna go play around in the Darkness
Just know there's a cost
I'm not playing.
Difference between
"We don't talk much because the relationship is frozen in time and there's an eclipse"
"We don't talk much because the relationship is frozen in time and there's an eclipse"
"It is an emergency"
"It is an emergency"
What makes sense to me is to Face It.
Who decides what Love is more Beautiful?
And How?
Is Beauty Mathematical?
I've found it's a malleable force
An Energy that we CAN control
In different ways
An Energy that we CAN control
In different ways
What we do with our Love
How we Express it
How we Honor it
How we Carry it
Who we Share it with
What Emotions we Accept and Enjoy and Seek
And what we Reject and Dislike and Avoid

How we Express it
How we Honor it
How we Carry it
Who we Share it with
What Emotions we Accept and Enjoy and Seek
And what we Reject and Dislike and Avoid
I See
I Just Hope y'all Hear Me.
They can't catch me
The second time I went back to BuzzMill
I returned to the same table I was working on
Close to the fire
With an outlet for my wood burner
And I noticed inscribed
"My Name is Justice."
This is my table
I had many people at my table the past few weeks
Many discussions
Many Lessons
I find all the things I'm struggling with have given me much Wisdom and Perspective
Sometimes it's a Battle
Sometimes I help people
This is what I'm doing out here
I can't illustrate the emotions or the timing
But on one of the last nights I went to BuzzMill
This was all written on my table
Right where I sit
My Home is always Your Home
I will always Care about You
That's what we made together
My Love is in Bloom
Living it.
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