Got to Austin
Found Work
Worked Hard
Saved the monies!
Bought the Bike!!
Found this near my camp
To The Ride!

The Way I see it all this stuff is here just for us to utilize
But don't let stuff and Game State confuse you
What's important are People
Especially The People in Your Life that you Cherish
Your Loved Ones
The Ones that have a Special Place in Your Heart
A Place that is Free
So I rode all NIGHT
And made it to Galveston
The Plan was to retrace my coastal route on the bicycle
I stopped in Galveston to see my friends I'd made there
And wouldn't ya know it...
The Clutch Cable just snapped!
And made it to Galveston
The Plan was to retrace my coastal route on the bicycle
I stopped in Galveston to see my friends I'd made there
And wouldn't ya know it...
The Clutch Cable just snapped!
A small thing and the whole vehicle was out of commission
I fell too
Luckily the right foot rest and brake pedal snapped
My ankle was a little crushed—might've fractured something
With all the blisters from the days of wet shoes walking became pretty painful
But I could still ride!
Luckily the right foot rest and brake pedal snapped
My ankle was a little crushed—might've fractured something
With all the blisters from the days of wet shoes walking became pretty painful
But I could still ride!
Luckily I'd made some friends in Galveston
So I had a place to put the bike and my things
'til I could find a way to repair NIGHT RIDER in the morning
Thanks Mark and Rebel!
Guess it's a NIGHT out in Galveston then!
Sorry if I offend
I'm not monogamous
That doesn't mean My Love isn't real
If anything My Love for the special women in my life is beyond normal bounds
I feel it vividly every day
And there's honestly nothing I care about more
Thanks to some Kind and Loving Gentleman I was able to fix NIGHT RIDER and escape Galveston the next day!
The bags on the back are all gifts
In addition of food, bamboo, and necessities.
So basically I was like a Ninja Santa Clause
I made it to Cameron LA
When NIGHT RIDER decided to not want to NIGHT RIDE anymore
So I had to push this mega-bike back to town a few miles
Luckily I was retracting my route I had just ridden through on the bicycle
So I knew there was a little Ma and Pa spot back in the town of Cameron I could sit at
Took me all frigg'n night of pushing
But I made it
In the morning some nice folk appeared
They gave me some gas but...
I don't think that's what was wrong with it
I had spent all night pushing
And thinking
I only had like 70 bucks
Wasn't even gonna be enough gas to get home
So I definitely didn't have the funds, or the time (or the knowledge) to fix it
So I came up with a plan.
A man with horns on his head was among the kind folk that stopped
He seemed interested in my idea
"I'll trade the motorcycle for a ride to the bus station and a bus ticket home."
Seemed like a pretty good deal for him
The motorcycle probably had some little fix
It was just working perfectly
Got me 500 miles at least before the engine just kinda puttered off
So the thing was definitely worth at least half the price I got it for fixed up.
So I tricked The Devil
'cause if you ask me
A Ticket Home
Is worth way more than a motorcycle.
See yah later NIGHT RIDER
The bus got to NYC the morning of the Eve
I had enough for the commuter rail
And having no idea if she'd be home or not
I walked with all the gifts from the train station
To Her door
It was never about the motorcycle.
I couldn't
I didn't know what to say

I Would Never Disrespect You
Even though I have this Body
And you have yours
And they work like this
Sometimes I hate it how they work like this
I Need You to show me how Beautiful it is
I Can't Love myself with all these terrible things
I Need You to turn these terrible things into Beautiful things
So I Would Never Disrespect You
I Would Rather
And Work
And Be Alone
And Work
And Struggle
And Cry
And Be Cold and Alone and Angry And Lose My Mind a Little
And Work
And Crash and Get Hurt
And Limp
To Your Doorstep
And Give
And Give
And Give
And Earn The Food You Fed Me
And Earn The Clothes Your Mother Gave Me
And Earn A Water Bottle
Than Take One Step
Past The Line in The Sand You Drew
Can you Feel it?
I can't see You
But I can Hear You
I don't know where You are
But I know where You are in My Heart
I have to hide You in there
People Judge
As I'm sure You've by now learned
And when they see it
The Knife driven in
Sealed with high level Magic
The Wound
Pouring out Darkness
It's that Dark Matter stuff
Scientists don't even know what to make of this
And I'm on the front lines just carryin' it around
Spreading a very You brand of Chaos
Same brand as mine
But only when people see it
Only when they can Feel it
Can You?
I never wanted to lose You
I meant to Free You not hurt You
I hoped I'd see You again
Adventure again
Love again
I still want that
I still hope for that
I don't think you can understand my pain
So that means there's things I need
Things I need that You can't give me
It means I can't Just Be yours
But I Am yours.
All I Want for Christmas is
To Be Tuxedo Mask.
Can't I just be Tuxedo Mask?
Why Not!?
Okay how about Moonlight Night?
This and Dragon Ball Z is what I grew up on so
This is who I'm deciding to be.
This is who I need to be.
Prince Endymion It Is.
At the train station after
I noticed a Water Bottle down in the tracks
Certainly a foolhardy thing to do
Jumping down there to grab a Water Bottle
No way out but to Climb
But once I made the connection between you and the bottle
I hoped right down.
I climbed up on the other side of the platform
And had to run through the bus terminal to get back to my stuff on the other side of the tracks.
I knew a lot of people just saw me do that from the windows
So when a child starred at me as I was running by
I reported, with hand to forehead in salute
Then there was another bottle so I did it again...
Everything changed once I received their blessing
I wanted to leave earlier
But there's people I Love here that I needed to see
And I needed a few days of rest
So I knew I needed to have faith
And I prayed
Plus I didn't have the money yet
So I borrowed some money from My Mother
And got a ticket to New Orleans leaving Jan. 3
But there's people I Love here that I needed to see
And I needed a few days of rest
So I knew I needed to have faith
And I prayed
Plus I didn't have the money yet
So I borrowed some money from My Mother
And got a ticket to New Orleans leaving Jan. 3
Keep up the good work brother.