This is what I grew up on
I don't need to prescribe to what Society tells me Love is
So many people have it so fucking backwards
I'll decide what Love means to me and I'll decide how I'm going to genuinely express those emotions.
This here is one way
Someone on their third marriage has three wives
The only difference with me is I'm just waiting for them to want to opt-in
And I'm feeling these emotions at the same time
And not forsaking anyone
I've spent many joyful hours figuring out which Sailor Scout each of the women that have come and gone through my life is.
Despite how everyone went their separate ways
I'm thankful to have Love and Lost
It's fun looking back
At the Boy begrudged by self-loathing and loneliness that wanted this so so badly
Real Women in His Life
Sisters to Love
This is all the same Love from the beginning
When my first engagement ended and I decided to start dating before I tried to ride my bicycle across the country
People don't really understand me
They think I'm a Womanizer or something
Which I feel is the opposite of the Truth
In fact I don't think anyone Loves these Women more than I do
Let's see them choose to go crazy and delusional and post it on the internet for everyone to see and drive themselves into a self-destructive pit of loneliness and darkness for it.
It all meant everything to me.
That's why I can climb Mountains with it.
It's MY Love in MY Heart.
I'll admit
I've been waiting for this.
Well, Yearning and Burning, actually
So Forgive Me for being elated.
I've been waiting for this.
Well, Yearning and Burning, actually
So Forgive Me for being elated.
My favorite spot in CT
Toad's Place
And I don't even want to be there
Just anxious to go
Happy New Year
The only thing that matters in our life is our Love
And the State that it is in
Our Loved ones
And the State that they are in
Aren't we all trying to figure this out?
I'm happy to capture my Self and my Experience here as best I can
But if something is or isn't how would I know?
I'm doing my Best and I'm doing it for what I believe Love is
I'm doing this to Show and Honor what I See and what I Carry
How my Feelings Reflect into My Reality
Can you Understand that?
always constantly searching
where is he hiding
somewhere between the floorboards
of every where she steps
she follows the sound of the silence
that overtakes her mind
down to the bottom of her heart
she swears hes out there somewhere
the place in her mind nobody can reach
so she records and writes down the data
of the things she cannot begin to explain
every one can see it its like shes floating
on a ship that also can fly far away
she believes again and again
that there is something more to this life
than waking up in the morning
and going to bed at night
where she gets it from nobody knows
she says it has to do with her family
pushing her on the edge of insanity
and somehow she stays grounded
like her roots are deeper than this country
and yet at night sometimes she falls asleep in tears
she swears the last couple years explain it all
but wherever she tries to hang her head
just makes her fall even deeper
into a hole built to turn her carbon
into a supernova with edges made of dark matter
cant tell her any different she believes
something greater than her loved ones understand
well we cant say shes wrong or right
because she seems to be the only one
who actually knows how to write
to the empty skies that overtake her
yeah no way to say for sure
maybe one day she will get it right
and we pray for her spirit to continue
but are still envious of her connection
to everything in existence
if we dont want to kill her off
maybe she is better off somewhere else
where nothing can mess with her
besides the only way she has learned to believe
she is such a beautiful disaster
something so cliche and still misunderstood
maybe one day she will make it out of here alive
but until then we own her soul
for all that it is worth
we never asked for her to be here anyways
but we will try our hardest to keep her safe
and bring her back to where she belongs
because she always wished the same for us
Poem by Jessica Smalley
We're all trying to figure out how to keep the Sacred from being Desecrated
And what do we do when it is?
And some People Want to know
Some people Question
Some people Seek
What is this Hunger in our Heart?
Why is it there?
What are we Supposed to do with it?
Why is The Sacred Profaned?
Why is What is held Sacred in our World allowed to be Desecrated?
Why is there so much Pain?
Because there are people that Want to know how it feels
Good way to learn stuff
What do YOU work for?
It's Just more important to some people than to others it would seem
I've always admired their philosophies
The importance they put on Love and Peace
Everything we eat has Sunshine in it somehow
The Sun's Infinite Love Shining down upon us
We exist because we partake of it
The Light from Our Sun becomes One with us
Hey Brother—Are you Respecting your Sister?
Hey Sister—Are you Respecting your Self?

Go Crazy if you can
But don't mistreat people
Take Care of Each Other and Our World

Creating Love in our lives is what makes them Beautiful
Then again maybe you Don't.
"Slow is Smooth
And Smooth is Fast"
~World Guy
Rich or Poor don't matter
No one needs Stuff
We ain't gonna solve our differences and come together if we ain't got that LOVE!
Ya ain't Giving Love if you're hurting people
Ya ain't Giving Love if you don't care what you are doing to people
Reminds me of your Style
A Beautiful Dream
On the back of a Road Sign
All the festivities of Mardi Gras didn't even tempt me
I was on a mission
I saw You Everywhere there
Thank You for being with me
I Hurt to know I make you Sad
I pay attention to The Wisdom on The Walls
It's not about the pleasure of the release or the fun
It's about the meaning
This Just In
Don't Judge People
But we can Objectively discuss the effects of our Actions on others and see what is Hurtful
Or else where are we Going?
If it makes Abuela ANGRY then it's probably a bad move
So much confusion on these Streets
So much Madness
And yet
So much Beauty
This one was made by a Brother of mine:
I Miss New England
tiny snowman
Mark Twain almost changed my Mind
But once the choice Between ______ and Her was presented
It's Her Every Time.
Nice Try Mr. Twain.

The next step is figuring how to apply what you Learn to your Life
He Fight!
He Don't Play!
How does one Improve their Spirit?
Who are you?What Do you Care about?
What Will You Stand For?
And What Can You Do?
I received Odin' Blessing Upon this Sacred Mission
I would not be surviving out here
If I was not being guided
By some force beyond myself
Believe what you want to believe
It's your Mind
Your Life
Your Interpretations and Paradigms
A Sad Place to be
When you think Alcohol is your remedy
Lotta People in that pit...
You Need Prayer and a Coat.
You Need Love and Home.
That's a useful Ghost lol
Got some Training in at this Legendary Place
One of the owners went on an ego trip and kicked me out
This keeps happening to me since I stopped taking anyone's shit
I was making friends with everybody else there...
Still, Amazing Place!
Searching for my next Path
The Northern Shore
Found an amazing artist community
This is the community You Belong with...
This is all really Heavy so
Here are some photos of a Doggo Parade
The only Mardi Gras Parade I was actually able to catch
It was Game of Thrones themed
Best Intermission Ever
I was morbidly depressed kind of sulking off to the side
I think the lesson here is be thankful for what you have and where you are
And to take care of your doggos
And don't think I forgot about the two of you!
One of the Best Nights of My Life!!!
I am Blessed to have had them
And so very very Grateful
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I Want to be there one day
That's what I'm working towards
For now I'm off to the Side I guess
But I have a vision that I'm working towards
We all Need to survive 'til I can create this...
But these recruits here gave me another idea
Guess that does it
I'm Joining The Night Watch
The Abandoned Naval Base

I was guided here the first Night I arrived in the City
Obviously it's a bit more intimidating in the Darkness
I thought You were in Danger
You were

So I charged in in the middle of the Night equipped with
—Bamboo Staff
—Tactical Flashlight
—SuperHero Knife
—Cookies and Fruit (Peace Offering)

I searched one building high and low and found no one
Coming back outside
By the other building
I saw some figures moving in the Darkness
"Hey! Do you guys know {}?"
"I'm Her friend! Is she here!?"
That was easy!
There's a whole community of people living in there
What'd the government think was gonna happen to it haha
But I was happy to find You have friends
It's the stuff You're putting in Your arm that's endangering you...
This place is called The End of The World
This Carrier is still functioning though
I'd like to get on that...
Signs of Life
I never wanted to have just One Love
It doesn't make sense to me
It's not who I am
I'm not the Jealous type
But it is a valid human emotion
It even has its purpose
Though too often I feel it is uncontrolled not reflected upon and misapplied to life
I want to go on Adventures!
I want to be with my Loves
My Loved ones
I Need to finish MY Journey
But I worry...
Is Love effected by Entropy?
What does it mean if it is?I Love Bridges
Crossing this into the City always felt good
This is my 3rd time through New Orleans
I couldn't tell if it's the last time I'll be in the cityOr if I was going to live here for a while
I had told You my Plan
My Vision
What I had done with
What had Become of
Our Dreams
Walking along the Levi was my favorite
It was a longer walk but always worth it to see the Water and the Base and The End of The WorldAt least now I can say
That I chased My Love to The End of The World
I guess we kinda fell off
The corner of St. Claude and Sister Street
Battle after Battle
Loss after Loss
This was so Painful for me
I kept Losing you
Where were You looking?
Why'd You do that?
Why couldn't You just...
Nobody knows what to do
But Everybody knows it's fucking sad
So much Love
So much emotion for You
Just pouring out ALL THE TIME
I was prepared as I could ever be
You can't really prepare to watch someone you Love Kill them self
Slowly or instantly...
It didn't help how You treated me
You can read my Journal if You want to know more about that
But I'm happy to be Your Punching Bag for a while
Glad You could get some practice in
You should take note what Your actions do
You should Understand the Consequences of Your Actions
Or You're gonna repeat the same mistakes
You're gonna keep hurting people
You're gonna keep hurting yourself
You had lessons to learn from me that you were running away from!
You had this effect on Me
You shouldn't just Turn Away
So for example
Why not Shine the Light?
If you think about the reason behind your actions
Why you do what you do
You can get to the bottom of your behavior
You can figure out what it is you need to work on and
That's the problem a LOT of people in our country have
They want a quick fix
They don't want to actually Work on their problems
They don't want to engage in the difficult process of Self-Reflection and Self-Correction
They don't want to exercise they don't want to fix their diet and eating habits
They don't want to put down the pills or the needle or the GOD DAMN BOTTLE
THEY JUST WANT TO DROWN THEMSELVES and it's such a fucking tragedy because every single one of us is a miracle of Light and Love and Energy and Creation and it's such a waste watching someone poison themselves to Death because they just can't seem to find the Will to stop.
But there's lots of things I don't Understand
Lots of things I don't know
I Just Wish we coulda figured it out
I Wish we coulda made it together
For a while at least
That's what I wanted from the beginning
That's what My Dreams with You always were
Nothing Easy
Fighting and Scrapping and Struggling
But Making It
Making our way somewhere
In The World and In Our Heads and In Our Hearts
Just In Life
You chose someone else
I knew You were going to
But I wanted more time with you
I Needed more from you
I wanted to write a Beautiful story together
I knew what I Needed from the beginning
And I figured out how to forgive You and I figured out how to Sacrifice what I had to to get to You
And I admit I couldn't have done it Just for You but since I met You it was never Just You there were already all these Loves in My Heart so I don't see why that ever mattered because
I wasn't Picture Perfect whatever that means but I Never Will Be now anyways and I Never Lied and Everything I said I did my fucking best to Follow Through on and Live Up to.
I don't know why You never said Sorry
I don't know why You never seemed to second guess yourself
You've Never admitted You were wrong about anything
Not to me at least
I know I fucked up I've written You lists of them already
You tore up the last Apology letter I wrote You and doused it in Aloe Vera
I Loved walking along the levi at Night especially
Going this way looped around so I'd walk by your squat
And some Nights I'd Hope You'd See or Hear me going by
And some Nights I'd really Hope You didn't but I'd still walk by anyways
And some Nights I had stuff for You that I'd tip-toe in to drop off
You were Angry
I have too much to say
Too much Teacher in me
Too many ways I Need You to change—Grow
Or maybe it's Just that one thing
We were walking together that one Night
I was trying to be quiet but I just kept saying things
Even though I knew I was tearing You up
But I didn't understand why
'Cause You won't open up to me about anything
I ran up to You
Just so I could get the image
Of Your face
With the Water and all the Lights of the city and the ship and the bridge in the background
It was Beautiful and I can see it in my Mind right now
But it upset You more
How I looked at You Lovingly
And Appreciated the moment to the point of celebrating it out loud
I can't figure it out
How Me Loving You
Upset You So...
Here's MY Squat
I found myself at after you ran me off
I Bled for this
And I don't regret it
Brown Rice (Rescued)
Carrots, shredded (Rescued)
Soy Sauce (Rescued)
Eggs, raw (Donated)
Mix 'em all together
Eating Well
Survivor right here!
My Love for my Sisters
My Love for all My Loves
That's what got me through
Sad Lonely Dilapidated House
I was Dying here
You put me here
It was such a challenge to just let it go
Not be Bitter or Resentful
Just Brush Off the Ego Blows and the Unfair Rejections and Nevermind the Complete Lack of Care
And Keep supporting you through all this
Keep trying to lift You up and Just hope You change that whimsical Mind of yours
My Dreams
Ripped apartTossed in a Ditch
Thrown Away
Just Refuse
But Love and Faith are Stronger than Hate and Despair

It's so True.
A Gift from New Talavana
I hid this in the leaves for a few days until I could get back to itCarry it across the City
And fix it up...
I was surprised actually
I didn't think You'd get so angry so quicklyThat's the thing about the drugs ya don't notice
How they change you

Just a thing a I wanted to show You
Instead we weren't talking
Just a thing You should be into
Instead of The Drugs
Just a place where You'd belong
Instead of alone
Your Art is fucking brilliant.
Some of the things You say Hurt me so much and they don't make any sense and it makes me so mad.
But despite that I still find the Beauty in these moments.
And other moments
I Make The Beauty there myself
For You.
When I saw this picture
I just laid down and started weeping
Until I passed out from emotional exhaustion

It might Sound crazy to you
But I was Happy
It was Perfect and Everything I always wanted
And it'd been so long since I had that
And it was what I'd been looking for the whole time
This Whole Time.
Though if you read this far
Maybe now you finally Understand
I Liked waiting for You
When I knew You were coming back.
I've always Loved Grey
Overcast Skies.
The Sky filled with Clouds was Perfect
Ready to Ride!
I Truly Hope it Carries You Far and Well
And Then
Beyond The Temptations of Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street
I Escaped The City
And went Straight to...
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