Flyin' through Texas like RawR!
Every Conversation is actually a Magical Battle
Every Word a Spell
Every Word a Spell
As I crossed the bridge at the border of Texas and Louisiana
I stopped to stare at the lights of the stars and the nearby Chemical Plant
One of my favorite songs came on and I screamed it at the top of my lungs into the night
I realized afterwards that probably the entire nearby camp site heard me
Except this little doggo fren!
She's Deaf!
As far as how people in Texas drive...
Well, let's just say...
They haven't got me yet!
On the side of the road in Louisiana I found an iPhone, ID, and credit cards in a wallet.
So I picked that up and headed into Port Arthur to their post office to mail it
Along the way I saw a long line of cars at a park
Mailed the stuff and checked it out on the way back
It was a large community food give away but I had just missed it
All they had left were several boxes of Sriracha Mustard
So yeah that was a cool side mission
Texas is a land of Power
People here both respect and want that
Just about everyone has a truck
Oil Rigs on the coast drill the Black Gold outta the ground and Refineries right on the coast turn it into energy
Energy is Power
Sacred Quest to Save our Loves and Create our Dreams!
Thank you to the fine folk at Etc in Winnie!
I've said it before—it is kind folk like you that are truly interested in what I'm doing and the care and generosity you show that keeps me going.
Beautiful little shop if you're ever in the area
Stop in and support good people!
Stopped into this random lil' spot to check it out
Turns out the Houston Astros made it to the World Series for the first time ever
Pretty cool being around to feel that energy
I had wanted to volunteer some time to help with the Hurricane damage I had heard about
But they didn't need any aid \:
They're just that good (;
Thanks for being friendly anyways!
Sorry you felled here Brother
I'm Still above The Ground
I'm strugglin' though
It's a constant battle actually to not lose your Mind
Or lose TO your Mind
There's Bayous in Texas too
People drive too damn fast
How'd I even get this far?
Now they can be friends
Some giant piece on its way to a Plastic Plant
The ride has been against The Wind almost the entire way
Reminds me of Illinois
But Illinois didn't have any nice bridges
Life Goals

I'm always seeing Cardinals fly by
This one doesn't like Texas

Made it back to the Coast

Got a Butterfly Aviary going on

Went to have dinner and came back and one was missing
Dumb lil' Butterflies...
They were safe from the Wind where I left them
Looked around and...
Found 'em!
Oh crap they're under attack by ants!

Rescued my friend from the little monsters swarming her and put 'em all together with some flower food
I Love finding art as I go
Good Morning!

Another perfect night on the Beach
So I picked that up and headed into Port Arthur to their post office to mail it
Along the way I saw a long line of cars at a park
Mailed the stuff and checked it out on the way back
It was a large community food give away but I had just missed it
All they had left were several boxes of Sriracha Mustard
So yeah that was a cool side mission
People here both respect and want that
Just about everyone has a truck
Oil Rigs on the coast drill the Black Gold outta the ground and Refineries right on the coast turn it into energy
Energy is Power
Sacred Quest to Save our Loves and Create our Dreams!
Thank you to the fine folk at Etc in Winnie!
I've said it before—it is kind folk like you that are truly interested in what I'm doing and the care and generosity you show that keeps me going.
Beautiful little shop if you're ever in the area
Stop in and support good people!
Stopped into this random lil' spot to check it out
Turns out the Houston Astros made it to the World Series for the first time ever
Pretty cool being around to feel that energy
I had wanted to volunteer some time to help with the Hurricane damage I had heard about
But they didn't need any aid \:
They're just that good (;
Thanks for being friendly anyways!
Sorry you felled here Brother
I'm Still above The Ground
I'm strugglin' though
It's a constant battle actually to not lose your Mind
Or lose TO your Mind
There's Bayous in Texas too
People drive too damn fast
How'd I even get this far?
Now they can be friends
Some giant piece on its way to a Plastic Plant
The ride has been against The Wind almost the entire way
Reminds me of Illinois
But Illinois didn't have any nice bridges
Life Goals
I'm always seeing Cardinals fly by
This one doesn't like Texas
Made it back to the Coast
Got a Butterfly Aviary going on
Went to have dinner and came back and one was missing
Dumb lil' Butterflies...
They were safe from the Wind where I left them
Looked around and...
Found 'em!
Oh crap they're under attack by ants!
Rescued my friend from the little monsters swarming her and put 'em all together with some flower food
I Love finding art as I go
Good Morning!
Another perfect night on the Beach
Reminds me of...
I found My Heart
Aaaaaaand then someone stole my sleeping bag
Damn it.
Machines just pumping oil outta the Earth
I learned it's Butterfly migration season and this area of Texas is where they fly
There were so many felled it was hard to ride down the road
Some Vision
Dolphin vs. Shark!
The Vengeance of The Sea
I found Tama-chan!
Having all ones art displayed on the side of The Road is a pretty good set up
Birds and Chiefs
I brought them all to a better place to rest
Now they can all be together
Another free ferry!
This time into the city of Galveston!
If I lived here I'd take a ride on this every day just for fun!
I heard there were Dolphins so I was keeping my eyes peeled...
As we were coming into the Bay I saw a few fins just by a seaside park called Seawolf Park!
I decided I'd go to the park to keep watching for Dolphins and camp there too

So I didn't realize that to get to the park I had to loop around the bay some 22 miles
But no biggie
Along the way I find a Cross erected on the side of the road
I stop to say a prayer
(I've decided not doing so is, at least, rude)
As I'm praying a police car pulls up behind me
The officer questions what I'm doing but when I tell him I'm just praying he accepts that and leaves
I finish my words and continue on

I reached the park just as the sun was setting
Which was perfect
I enjoyed my dinner watching the colors of the sky change
When I was just about done
A little man driving a gold cart approaches me and informs me that if I want to stay in the park I have to pay $9
I tell him I don't have $9 and he says I have to leave
I offer my name and a hand to shake which he ignores
I ask for his name. "Rick."
I try to begin telling him I'm traveling on the bicycle and was planning on staying in the park but he cuts me off with an, "I'm busy" and walks off

So Rick was pretty rude and unsympathetic
I got my things together and was about ready to go when my choice of action became clear to me
I could ride out now and go set up in the nearby marsh
Or I could sneak into the fenced off pavilion by scaling the wall!
Hmm, which choice would be cooler...

So I figured Rick was a pretty lazy son-of-a on account of the golf cart and he probably wouldn't see my bike if I put it on the other side of the pavilion
I waited a bit for dusk to settle in and when the patrol was on the other side of the park I through my sleeping bag and sweater over, slipped under a space in the fence, and slowly climbed up the side of the concrete ramp which made the walls of the pavilion

It had certainly felt like I won
I practiced my Right-Cross form, looked at the stars, and was about to eat some cookies I had gotten earlier when I heard a yell, "If you don't leave now you will be arrested!"
"Ah crap he found the bike..."
So as he's walking back and forth I sneak back down the scaffolding, under the fence, and am loading my bike back up when he comes around on the phone describing what I'm wearing.
"Can't get anything by you Rick!"
And I ride off
Rick laughing behind me

I stop half way through the park and take off my pants and jacket
Which doesn't help
As as I'm about to exit the gate a squad car rolling up pulls in front of me
Out comes the same officer from before
He demands I return to the front gate with him for he need confirm if I am indeed the man who a complaint of trespassing was called upon for
I assert I am currently leaving the park, and I am the guy, but there is no problem, because now I'm leaving, so that should really be that.
The officer decides to detain me handcuffs and all and drags me over to the front gate
Upon arriving there's Rick
"Is this the man?"
"That's him officer" Rick says with a conceited grin
The officer, now set, tugs me away with much more force
As he does I turn
"Did you SEE me in the pavilion!?"
"Uhm. No..."
I turn to the officer, "He didn't see me in the pavilion!"
So, y'know, there's no actual evidence.
But before this fact can be understood by anyone three more squad cars pull up
The other officers get in my face
One with a "How dare you lie to me. I am now going to overstep my authority to punish you for you have offended me so" attitude—quite reminiscent to me of my friends in Mississippi
(For the record, I did not lie. I said, "I committed no crime." In my perspective, running a man off into the night showing no empathy whatsoever aught be a crime. Sleeping in a safe place, in this case an abandoned shelter, is not a crime. Think. Does it sound like a crime? It's only a crime because Rick is an asshole and that's the damn Truth).

So the officers are all in a huff as they throw me in the back of the squad car.
I'm not worried though
For it's about to begin
Taking the Shining Jacket and Army Camo pants off was a huge mistake
Without them I basically looked like a hippie
Which is fine—but cops especially generally Judge hippies as degenerate drug-addicted free-loaders
(Sometimes they are)
So I started out behind already
(But that can be good sometimes for the flip)
So they roll the back window down and I tell them where my ID is
"Connecticut huh? You're a long way from home."
"Well I'm riding that bicycle across the country, so, yeah!"
"You're what now?"
It begins.
(Side note. Just because I'm aware of how people do or do not Judge doesn't mean I'm not being real and genuine in my expression of myself. I wasn't playing these officers. I just knew they thought I was some scummy homeless dude and were going to be rather surprised when they learned that I'm actually a scholar, athlete, adventurer, and general do-gooder).
So yeah I begin my stories of growth and inspiration and how and why.
I gain all of their attention so I really just let myself go on some fun tangents.
I've got adventure stories for hours, y'know?
My favorite was when I mentioned it was my dream
(Side note again. That is absolutely true. Generally I try to speak nothing but the Truth).
The officer who was offended I lied to him before, "A Dream!? You take some acid or somethin?"

I'll admit, I only pretended to be confused here. "Huh? What do you mean acid?"
"Did you take LSD and just up and go?
I'll admit, I only pretended to be offended here. "Uhm, no... Like, my Life Goal. Y'know?"
I could tell by his reaction that struck a cord with him.
And good! 'Cause it should!
I don't deserve to be frakin' arrested here I'm just trying to lay my head for the evening!
So I give the group my blog address and after glancing at it and deliberating they decide they're not going to arrest me after all and let me go.
I feel I'm still on thin ice though
As I'm getting my things back together they ask me some questions
The offended officer from before sees my cap hat inside my helmet and makes fun of it
(Guess he doesn't like Chicago)
"Oh well hey, let me tell you where I got that hat!
I was in Memphis Tennessee. I had just gotten there and stopped at a gas station to eat a little something. There was a couple sitting nearby. I tried to be friendly and say hi but they turned their backs to me. So whatever, I continued eating. Soon after, the guy walks into the store and the lady makes a phone call. She starts crying on the phone about how she doesn't have any money and can't feed her kids. So, I walk over to her and hand her a hundred dollar bill. She is naturally surprised. I just turn away from her and go back to my food. She's flabbergasted still on the phone when the guy comes back out. He hears about it and at first puffs his chest up 'cause he thinks it was some kind of move on his lady. When he realizes it was naught but an altruistic act, the man took his hat off his head for me. He also gave me a cool Zippo lighter, a flashlight, and a cute green bracelet!"
This is apparently enough information for the officers.
They inform me that if I ever return to the park (or the nearby campus 'cause why not) I'll be arrested immediately.
Then I'm free to go

I get a mile or two down the road and stop to figure out what I'm doing.
I go to have a sip of water when I realize
Oh no
Where's my CamelBack!?
My CamelBack is one the most special pieces of equipment I have.
My life-long best friend and Brother Noah gave it to me
It was his when he went to Iraq
The thing has seen a war
Additionally, it holds my water, and that's pretty important.
I fall to my knees
How could I have lost my Brother's CamelBack?
I'm angry I'm so stupid damn it damn it damn it
Wait a minute
I didn't lose it
It's right over there
Hmmm, it's either where the cops stopped me by the front gate...
Maybe where I took my jacket off...
Or it could be, all the way at the back of the park, where my bike was "hidden"
"If you return you'll be arrested immediately"
As I slowly ride back to park I think about that
But once I get into a Mindset of—Mission: Save Noah's CamelBack
I no longer worry
All brain function is processing how best to accomplish the Mission successfully
I take off my bright clothes and hide LionHeart to the side of the gate
I check where I was detained
Nope—No CamelBack
It's fucking Metal Gear Solid time baby
The theme plays in my heads as I prone crawl around the front gate through some tall grass
There's a flood light over the area but as long as I stay low they shouldn't be able to see me
I come to the edge of the tall grass and move down the rocks to the very edge of the water
The embankment gives me cover as I jump from rock to rock, still staying low
This brings me to a small shack which I sneak around and to the tree I took my jacket off at
Nope—No CamelBack
Only one place left, all the way in the back, behind the pavilion
I look back to the front gate
I can see Rick's golf cart there and maybe him moving around
Alright, if he's behind me, I can just go for it
I sprint across the field
There are some fisherman on the pier still
(Guess they all had nine dollars)
So I run straight to a port-o-potty to give an understanding of why I'm running in case they are alarmed
But upon opening the door I duck right instead and into the shadow of the pavilion
I run back to where my bike was and
I'M NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND BROTHER as I sling it on my back
Escape mode
Basically the same way I came in but a lot faster now
As I get to the shadows past the front gate I turn back and see Rick getting into his golf cart
"Nothin' gets by you Rick"
And I swing around the fence and leave
Aside from the dolphins
Seawolf is one of my favorite bands so
Had to check it out!
Star on The Road
I'm Flyin'

Had a great time here!
I'll come back to visit again!
Life is a river
The flow of the water the flow of life
Recently it's felt like I've been going no other direction than against the current
But I have a Dope as Hell Boogie Board
And my legs stopped ever getting tired a while ago
Special thanks to Tony and Elijah and Rebel and Mark for helping me survive this Island City!
Glory to the Defeated
State of My Love
One could totally travel cross the country on a little Scooter
Cheap little things
They get like 100 miles to the gallon
Two wheels are just more economical than four!
So many options
So many possibilities
This truck rode past me as I was riding and I knew I had to get a shot of it
A quick U-Turn
Pushed to catch up to it
Pulled the camera out as came along side it
Got it!
Flower Explosion
By Rebecah Thompson
By Alice Zaharopoulos
Cardinals in Love
By Norma Lee Velez
Fragile Heart
By Sara Gomer
Wasn't planning on staying in Galveston at all really but letting oneself be led I find is a much better way to travel
A much better way to be
This is my message right here.
Was about to leave town but it turned out...
The annual Galveston Biker Rally was taking place!
How about that!?
I'm a Biker too!!!
Some folk ride a Chariot!
Motorcycle culture is pretty cool
Gruff and Tough
Put 'em down Jesus!
Which one would ya want?
I don't actually need the flair
But I do think it's cool
The plan has always been
When my legs give out on me
This was my favorite bike I saw
I'd name it
Fire Star!
RoadKing is a cool name too
Victory is Love and Peace!
I kinda stood out
I'll return one day with a motor
Riding up and down the street was cool
Pretty neat standing out among people that usually stand out themselves haha
This has always been my end-goal.
Pretty cool event
Needed more black leather on to fit in lol
I notice people sometimes tend to get a little defensive or insecure when I've got my bicycle with me
I don't try to put people down
They have their own internal process goin' on...
Two wheels > Four!
New Life Goal:
Start a rad Biker Gang!
Actually my dream motorcycle since I was little was a Light-Green one of these.
This sleek little thing is nice and quiet
Is good for you (:
Which I was incredibly disappointed to discover
But they did have a bunch of really neat art!
By Lei Salario
I have to move through a lot of Judgement because I do things differently
And why shouldn't I?
I'M not the one slaughtering butterflys!
I'm a Lion because of How I Love
Lion's have their Pride
I would totally put a giant seagull sculpture in my yard
It was difficult to stay any longer in Galveston
Even with the Biker Rally going on
Because I knew my ride along the Coast was going to be phenomenal
And it sure was

I even wrote a song this night!

Definitely need more Island in my future

Thanks for guiding me
So long Galveston!

Perfect place to camp right?

Went for a swim in the gulf the night before too
Punching Waves
Mr. Ben here attached a little motor to this bicycle for just $100!
He passed me on the road outta town
But I'm not one to go down without a fight
So I caught right back up!
Sellin' it for just $300
There's ONE way to ride!
I overheard a little girl say to her parents
"Where did you see God today?"

I thought
A dying Seagull
Last night on The Gulf before riding North towards Austin
Kind of Perfect.
Awwwe yeeeeah we gonna have a niiiice Fire!
Campfires are The Best.
Wrote ya'll a song
Hope ya like it!
The Moon and The Fire should be able to answer most of my questions
Not All

The last section of my pipe...
At last—REVEALED!!!

It's time for...

Remember to first get some nice embers by burning down some sticks
Then arrange more sticks for a place to put your pot/wok!

I poured the water in after securing the wok in position

I put the rice and beans in right away to get 'em started cooking asap
Once the water was hot
I poured in a lot of turmeric!
A campfire isn't easy like a stove
Ya gotta keep putting timber underneath and keep stoking the embers to keep em hot
The embers are also distributing the heat pretty unevenly
So remember to stir constantly and watch out for any burning

Towards the end I just took any random little packets I had and poured 'em all in
I've been carrying this one since Mississippi.
Came out Great!
Complete protein
Turmeric is great for you
Lots of energy
Rice and Beans is where it is AT!

Last sunrise over the Beach
is ok
I'll find My Beach again...
And leftovers!
I Love leftovers (:
I recognize those cactus fruits from the Botanical Gardens in Fort Wayne!
When I was there I got stabbed!
But I asked around about that and got a great tip...
You gotta burn the spines away!
This is what towns 'round here look like
So long Gulf Coast!
Literally hundreds of perfectly good eggs being thrown away
But I'M the weird one for grabbing them outta the dumpster
This country is so fucking backwards sometimes
Harvested myself some Texas Bamboo!
If you're going through Brazoria Texas
Be sure to stop at Marion and San Bernard Street for a meal!
Thank you two for helping me cook the eggs I found!
This is where you want your dollar to go
This is where you want to eat
I hope one day to have a community to care about
Finally getting away from the Coast and the Bayous and into the Texas prairies
I do not get tired of this Beautiful Country
But I am often tired
And I am often sad
Way of life down here
I don't Judge
But I thank the cows for their sacrifice
I hope they live a happy life in the sun
Now there's a Texas Sunset
I'm always breakin' the rules

Why shouldn't I when they don't make any sense (or often don't apply to me) and I'm just trying to appreciate the beauty of our World as I move through it?
And there's a Texas Sunrise
As I rode through Needville
I saw a sign that said, "Don't Lose Hope"
And just then
A Butterfly flying in the middle of The Road
A Truck oncoming
The Butterfly caught the updraft from the vehicle
And floated up and over the oncoming Death
Now and then I am hit with something
And my hope disappears
I pull over
I can't move without it
The future is dark and the direction I'm going is only leading me to pain
I Must Have Hope.
Now here's what I think when I think Texas
Gravel Roads are hard to ride on but they're usually worth it!
helo frens!
can I's has pet?
frens follow
but bicycle given them much concerns
no pets
only moos
thx frens
The Astros won!
We made History!!!
Silly Praying Mantis sitting in the middle of The Road
This is why you're endangered you know!
Or maybe it's because in order to mate and reproduce the female has to RIP OFF YOUR HEAD
But at least your death will have meaning that way
Helluva lot better than being squished into the damn fuck pavement
Cold and Windy morning
This reminded me of my Mission to Maine
I was ready to kill or die, then.
I still am.
I'm not looking for one
I already am one
Metal Art
Be cool to have a Palm Tree up North haha
All I want
I had the opportunity for a perfect shot
But the camera memory was full!
There was a moment... Delete this picture?
But, I Said I would.
I gave my word.
The shot reminded me of a New England Love Story
There were shadows
I found My Heart
Aaaaaaand then someone stole my sleeping bag
Damn it.
Machines just pumping oil outta the Earth
I learned it's Butterfly migration season and this area of Texas is where they fly
There were so many felled it was hard to ride down the road
Some Vision
Dolphin vs. Shark!
The Vengeance of The Sea
I found Tama-chan!
Having all ones art displayed on the side of The Road is a pretty good set up
Birds and Chiefs
I brought them all to a better place to rest
Now they can all be together
Another free ferry!
This time into the city of Galveston!
If I lived here I'd take a ride on this every day just for fun!
I heard there were Dolphins so I was keeping my eyes peeled...
As we were coming into the Bay I saw a few fins just by a seaside park called Seawolf Park!
I decided I'd go to the park to keep watching for Dolphins and camp there too
So I didn't realize that to get to the park I had to loop around the bay some 22 miles
But no biggie
Along the way I find a Cross erected on the side of the road
I stop to say a prayer
(I've decided not doing so is, at least, rude)
As I'm praying a police car pulls up behind me
The officer questions what I'm doing but when I tell him I'm just praying he accepts that and leaves
I finish my words and continue on
I reached the park just as the sun was setting
Which was perfect
I enjoyed my dinner watching the colors of the sky change
When I was just about done
A little man driving a gold cart approaches me and informs me that if I want to stay in the park I have to pay $9
I tell him I don't have $9 and he says I have to leave
I offer my name and a hand to shake which he ignores
I ask for his name. "Rick."
I try to begin telling him I'm traveling on the bicycle and was planning on staying in the park but he cuts me off with an, "I'm busy" and walks off
So Rick was pretty rude and unsympathetic
I got my things together and was about ready to go when my choice of action became clear to me
I could ride out now and go set up in the nearby marsh
Or I could sneak into the fenced off pavilion by scaling the wall!
Hmm, which choice would be cooler...
So I figured Rick was a pretty lazy son-of-a on account of the golf cart and he probably wouldn't see my bike if I put it on the other side of the pavilion
I waited a bit for dusk to settle in and when the patrol was on the other side of the park I through my sleeping bag and sweater over, slipped under a space in the fence, and slowly climbed up the side of the concrete ramp which made the walls of the pavilion
It had certainly felt like I won
I practiced my Right-Cross form, looked at the stars, and was about to eat some cookies I had gotten earlier when I heard a yell, "If you don't leave now you will be arrested!"
"Ah crap he found the bike..."
So as he's walking back and forth I sneak back down the scaffolding, under the fence, and am loading my bike back up when he comes around on the phone describing what I'm wearing.
"Can't get anything by you Rick!"
And I ride off
Rick laughing behind me
I stop half way through the park and take off my pants and jacket
Which doesn't help
As as I'm about to exit the gate a squad car rolling up pulls in front of me
Out comes the same officer from before
He demands I return to the front gate with him for he need confirm if I am indeed the man who a complaint of trespassing was called upon for
I assert I am currently leaving the park, and I am the guy, but there is no problem, because now I'm leaving, so that should really be that.
The officer decides to detain me handcuffs and all and drags me over to the front gate
Upon arriving there's Rick
"Is this the man?"
"That's him officer" Rick says with a conceited grin
The officer, now set, tugs me away with much more force
As he does I turn
"Did you SEE me in the pavilion!?"
"Uhm. No..."
I turn to the officer, "He didn't see me in the pavilion!"
So, y'know, there's no actual evidence.
But before this fact can be understood by anyone three more squad cars pull up
The other officers get in my face
One with a "How dare you lie to me. I am now going to overstep my authority to punish you for you have offended me so" attitude—quite reminiscent to me of my friends in Mississippi
(For the record, I did not lie. I said, "I committed no crime." In my perspective, running a man off into the night showing no empathy whatsoever aught be a crime. Sleeping in a safe place, in this case an abandoned shelter, is not a crime. Think. Does it sound like a crime? It's only a crime because Rick is an asshole and that's the damn Truth).
So the officers are all in a huff as they throw me in the back of the squad car.
I'm not worried though
For it's about to begin
Taking the Shining Jacket and Army Camo pants off was a huge mistake
Without them I basically looked like a hippie
Which is fine—but cops especially generally Judge hippies as degenerate drug-addicted free-loaders
(Sometimes they are)
So I started out behind already
(But that can be good sometimes for the flip)
So they roll the back window down and I tell them where my ID is
"Connecticut huh? You're a long way from home."
"Well I'm riding that bicycle across the country, so, yeah!"
"You're what now?"
It begins.
(Side note. Just because I'm aware of how people do or do not Judge doesn't mean I'm not being real and genuine in my expression of myself. I wasn't playing these officers. I just knew they thought I was some scummy homeless dude and were going to be rather surprised when they learned that I'm actually a scholar, athlete, adventurer, and general do-gooder).
So yeah I begin my stories of growth and inspiration and how and why.
I gain all of their attention so I really just let myself go on some fun tangents.
I've got adventure stories for hours, y'know?
My favorite was when I mentioned it was my dream
(Side note again. That is absolutely true. Generally I try to speak nothing but the Truth).
The officer who was offended I lied to him before, "A Dream!? You take some acid or somethin?"
I'll admit, I only pretended to be confused here. "Huh? What do you mean acid?"
"Did you take LSD and just up and go?
I'll admit, I only pretended to be offended here. "Uhm, no... Like, my Life Goal. Y'know?"
I could tell by his reaction that struck a cord with him.
And good! 'Cause it should!
I don't deserve to be frakin' arrested here I'm just trying to lay my head for the evening!
So I give the group my blog address and after glancing at it and deliberating they decide they're not going to arrest me after all and let me go.
I feel I'm still on thin ice though
As I'm getting my things back together they ask me some questions
The offended officer from before sees my cap hat inside my helmet and makes fun of it
(Guess he doesn't like Chicago)
"Oh well hey, let me tell you where I got that hat!
I was in Memphis Tennessee. I had just gotten there and stopped at a gas station to eat a little something. There was a couple sitting nearby. I tried to be friendly and say hi but they turned their backs to me. So whatever, I continued eating. Soon after, the guy walks into the store and the lady makes a phone call. She starts crying on the phone about how she doesn't have any money and can't feed her kids. So, I walk over to her and hand her a hundred dollar bill. She is naturally surprised. I just turn away from her and go back to my food. She's flabbergasted still on the phone when the guy comes back out. He hears about it and at first puffs his chest up 'cause he thinks it was some kind of move on his lady. When he realizes it was naught but an altruistic act, the man took his hat off his head for me. He also gave me a cool Zippo lighter, a flashlight, and a cute green bracelet!"
This is apparently enough information for the officers.
They inform me that if I ever return to the park (or the nearby campus 'cause why not) I'll be arrested immediately.
Then I'm free to go
I get a mile or two down the road and stop to figure out what I'm doing.
I go to have a sip of water when I realize
Oh no
Where's my CamelBack!?
My CamelBack is one the most special pieces of equipment I have.
My life-long best friend and Brother Noah gave it to me
It was his when he went to Iraq
The thing has seen a war
Additionally, it holds my water, and that's pretty important.
I fall to my knees
How could I have lost my Brother's CamelBack?
I'm angry I'm so stupid damn it damn it damn it
Wait a minute
I didn't lose it
It's right over there
Hmmm, it's either where the cops stopped me by the front gate...
Maybe where I took my jacket off...
Or it could be, all the way at the back of the park, where my bike was "hidden"
"If you return you'll be arrested immediately"
As I slowly ride back to park I think about that
But once I get into a Mindset of—Mission: Save Noah's CamelBack
I no longer worry
All brain function is processing how best to accomplish the Mission successfully
I take off my bright clothes and hide LionHeart to the side of the gate
I check where I was detained
Nope—No CamelBack
It's fucking Metal Gear Solid time baby
The theme plays in my heads as I prone crawl around the front gate through some tall grass
There's a flood light over the area but as long as I stay low they shouldn't be able to see me
I come to the edge of the tall grass and move down the rocks to the very edge of the water
The embankment gives me cover as I jump from rock to rock, still staying low
This brings me to a small shack which I sneak around and to the tree I took my jacket off at
Nope—No CamelBack
Only one place left, all the way in the back, behind the pavilion
I look back to the front gate
I can see Rick's golf cart there and maybe him moving around
Alright, if he's behind me, I can just go for it
I sprint across the field
There are some fisherman on the pier still
(Guess they all had nine dollars)
So I run straight to a port-o-potty to give an understanding of why I'm running in case they are alarmed
But upon opening the door I duck right instead and into the shadow of the pavilion
I run back to where my bike was and
I'M NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND BROTHER as I sling it on my back
Escape mode
Basically the same way I came in but a lot faster now
As I get to the shadows past the front gate I turn back and see Rick getting into his golf cart
"Nothin' gets by you Rick"
And I swing around the fence and leave
Aside from the dolphins
Seawolf is one of my favorite bands so
Had to check it out!
Star on The Road
Had a great time here!
I'll come back to visit again!
Life is a river
The flow of the water the flow of life
Recently it's felt like I've been going no other direction than against the current
But I have a Dope as Hell Boogie Board
And my legs stopped ever getting tired a while ago
Special thanks to Tony and Elijah and Rebel and Mark for helping me survive this Island City!
Glory to the Defeated
One could totally travel cross the country on a little Scooter
Cheap little things
They get like 100 miles to the gallon
Two wheels are just more economical than four!
So many options
So many possibilities
This truck rode past me as I was riding and I knew I had to get a shot of it
A quick U-Turn
Pushed to catch up to it
Pulled the camera out as came along side it
Got it!
Flower Explosion
By Rebecah Thompson
By Alice Zaharopoulos
Cardinals in Love
By Norma Lee Velez
Fragile Heart
By Sara Gomer
Wasn't planning on staying in Galveston at all really but letting oneself be led I find is a much better way to travel
A much better way to be
This is my message right here.
Was about to leave town but it turned out...
The annual Galveston Biker Rally was taking place!
How about that!?
I'm a Biker too!!!
Some folk ride a Chariot!
Motorcycle culture is pretty cool
Gruff and Tough
Put 'em down Jesus!
Which one would ya want?
I don't actually need the flair
But I do think it's cool
The plan has always been
When my legs give out on me
This was my favorite bike I saw
I'd name it
Fire Star!
RoadKing is a cool name too
Victory is Love and Peace!
I kinda stood out
I'll return one day with a motor
Riding up and down the street was cool
Pretty neat standing out among people that usually stand out themselves haha
This has always been my end-goal.
Pretty cool event
Needed more black leather on to fit in lol
I notice people sometimes tend to get a little defensive or insecure when I've got my bicycle with me
I don't try to put people down
They have their own internal process goin' on...
Two wheels > Four!
New Life Goal:
Start a rad Biker Gang!
Actually my dream motorcycle since I was little was a Light-Green one of these.
This sleek little thing is nice and quiet
Is good for you (:
If you're in Galveston check out the "Peanut Butter Factory"
They don't actually have any Peanut Butter thereWhich I was incredibly disappointed to discover
But they did have a bunch of really neat art!
I like how this artist kept track of where she got the things that made up her pieces and the odd places she got them from
By Lei Salario
I have to move through a lot of Judgement because I do things differently
And why shouldn't I?
I'M not the one slaughtering butterflys!
Lion's have their Pride
I would totally put a giant seagull sculpture in my yard
It was difficult to stay any longer in Galveston
Even with the Biker Rally going on
Because I knew my ride along the Coast was going to be phenomenal
And it sure was
I even wrote a song this night!
Definitely need more Island in my future
Thanks for guiding me
So long Galveston!
Perfect place to camp right?
Went for a swim in the gulf the night before too
Punching Waves
Mr. Ben here attached a little motor to this bicycle for just $100!
He passed me on the road outta town
But I'm not one to go down without a fight
So I caught right back up!
Sellin' it for just $300
There's ONE way to ride!
I overheard a little girl say to her parents
"Where did you see God today?"
I thought
A dying Seagull
Last night on The Gulf before riding North towards Austin
Kind of Perfect.
Awwwe yeeeeah we gonna have a niiiice Fire!
Campfires are The Best.
Wrote ya'll a song
Hope ya like it!
The Moon and The Fire should be able to answer most of my questions
Not All
The last section of my pipe...
At last—REVEALED!!!
It's time for...
Remember to first get some nice embers by burning down some sticks
Then arrange more sticks for a place to put your pot/wok!
I poured the water in after securing the wok in position
I put the rice and beans in right away to get 'em started cooking asap
Once the water was hot
I poured in a lot of turmeric!
A campfire isn't easy like a stove
Ya gotta keep putting timber underneath and keep stoking the embers to keep em hot
The embers are also distributing the heat pretty unevenly
So remember to stir constantly and watch out for any burning
Towards the end I just took any random little packets I had and poured 'em all in
I've been carrying this one since Mississippi.
Came out Great!
Complete protein
Turmeric is great for you
Lots of energy
Rice and Beans is where it is AT!
Last sunrise over the Beach
is ok
I'll find My Beach again...
And leftovers!
I Love leftovers (:
I recognize those cactus fruits from the Botanical Gardens in Fort Wayne!
When I was there I got stabbed!
But I asked around about that and got a great tip...
You gotta burn the spines away!
This is what towns 'round here look like
So long Gulf Coast!
Literally hundreds of perfectly good eggs being thrown away
But I'M the weird one for grabbing them outta the dumpster
This country is so fucking backwards sometimes
Harvested myself some Texas Bamboo!
If you're going through Brazoria Texas
Be sure to stop at Marion and San Bernard Street for a meal!
Thank you two for helping me cook the eggs I found!
This is where you want your dollar to go
This is where you want to eat
I hope one day to have a community to care about
Finally getting away from the Coast and the Bayous and into the Texas prairies
I do not get tired of this Beautiful Country
But I am often tired
And I am often sad
Way of life down here
I don't Judge
But I thank the cows for their sacrifice
I hope they live a happy life in the sun
Now there's a Texas Sunset
I'm always breakin' the rules
Why shouldn't I when they don't make any sense (or often don't apply to me) and I'm just trying to appreciate the beauty of our World as I move through it?
And there's a Texas Sunrise
As I rode through Needville
I saw a sign that said, "Don't Lose Hope"
And just then
A Butterfly flying in the middle of The Road
A Truck oncoming
The Butterfly caught the updraft from the vehicle
And floated up and over the oncoming Death
Now and then I am hit with something
And my hope disappears
I pull over
I can't move without it
The future is dark and the direction I'm going is only leading me to pain
I Must Have Hope.
Now here's what I think when I think Texas
Gravel Roads are hard to ride on but they're usually worth it!
helo frens!
can I's has pet?
frens follow
but bicycle given them much concerns
no pets
only moos
thx frens
The Astros won!
We made History!!!
Silly Praying Mantis sitting in the middle of The Road
This is why you're endangered you know!
Or maybe it's because in order to mate and reproduce the female has to RIP OFF YOUR HEAD
But at least your death will have meaning that way
Helluva lot better than being squished into the damn fuck pavement
Cold and Windy morning
This reminded me of my Mission to Maine
I was ready to kill or die, then.
I still am.
I'm not looking for one
I already am one
Metal Art
Be cool to have a Palm Tree up North haha
All I want
I had the opportunity for a perfect shot
But the camera memory was full!
There was a moment... Delete this picture?
But, I Said I would.
I gave my word.
The shot reminded me of a New England Love Story
There were shadows
The Train whizzed right by my head
And I can still feel the gust on my face that night
You were here.
You gave me Trash Cake and ice cream
And tipped me off on crackers
And guided me to a perfect camp site which sheltered me from the rain
In the morning I met Your friend and she gave me an awesome tool I needed
You were here.
Scared this Wake of Vultures into a Committee in the trees
Some consider these raptors Holy
They play an important role in the cycle
And bring The Dead into The Sky
The Biome is really starting to drastically change now
I guess there was a huge fire years ago and the area is still slowly recovering
Still a Beautiful ride
Gray Skies as far as the eyes can see
Dumped me out right on a highway though
Butterflys should be free
The Ants can eat something else
I Want to See
I Want to Sing
I Want to Give
I Want to Fight
I Want to Live
On The Way into Austin
Something called me into a place called The Miracle Garden
Actually, I wanted to get a gift for you
As I entered the ground I saw this Beautiful Thicket of Golden Bamboo
A type I never worked with before!
And I knew I was meant to stop here
Thank you Miss Sunny for sharing your Heaven here with myself and others
And for sharing your bamboo!
I guess there's a big art show in Austin about to happen so now I've got some super stock for it!
I tried in South Bend and failed and sorta had to in Carbondale
But this time I won't move on 'til I complete my goal
I'm gonna make Austin MY city.
I want to really Live here.
You were here.
You gave me Trash Cake and ice cream
And tipped me off on crackers
And guided me to a perfect camp site which sheltered me from the rain
In the morning I met Your friend and she gave me an awesome tool I needed
You were here.
Scared this Wake of Vultures into a Committee in the trees
Some consider these raptors Holy
They play an important role in the cycle
And bring The Dead into The Sky
The Biome is really starting to drastically change now
I guess there was a huge fire years ago and the area is still slowly recovering
Still a Beautiful ride
Gray Skies as far as the eyes can see
Dumped me out right on a highway though
Butterflys should be free
The Ants can eat something else
I Want to See
I Want to Sing
I Want to Give
I Want to Fight
I Want to Live
On The Way into Austin
Something called me into a place called The Miracle Garden
Actually, I wanted to get a gift for you
As I entered the ground I saw this Beautiful Thicket of Golden Bamboo
A type I never worked with before!
And I knew I was meant to stop here
Thank you Miss Sunny for sharing your Heaven here with myself and others
And for sharing your bamboo!
I guess there's a big art show in Austin about to happen so now I've got some super stock for it!
I tried in South Bend and failed and sorta had to in Carbondale
But this time I won't move on 'til I complete my goal
I'm gonna make Austin MY city.
I want to really Live here.
Thanks for sharing Justin, it was nice meeting you in Austin. - Evan