So I clicked Publish
And left Crestone for Phoenix

Found this Potato Farm
Heard they were looking for Work
They have machines that pull the potatoes up
Sort away rocks, dirt, and vines
And Put 'em in a Truck!
The trucks drop a lot of potates...
So I picked a few up
And made a friend!

The potatoes are sorted by size
And people stand around the conveyor belts pulling out the bad potatoes
Most of the potatoes here will be either chips or french fires
Which is what I'd of been doing
Had I not smoked some Ganja recently
So I would not have been able to pass their drug test
l o l

That's okay
I'm sure I'll find some other odd-job and Service opportunities
Plus it's getting very cold here and there are Mountains to Climb Still

Potatoes left outside Freeze at Night
So they're put in here
My Intentions in My Relationships
To Build Strong Meaningful Relationships
I Don't Know where I went Wrong
But I Swear...

I Swear I Loved You All

I Made a Decision though

And even Beyond My Love I Carry for All of You
I have things to Prove to Myself
My Word
My Strength
My Integrity
My Free Will
So I already Resolved
And Nothing Will Change My Mind or My Path
I'm All In
Life Love Heaven or Hell
I'll Die With My Dreams
Or I'll Fly With Them
I arrived Justin Time to enjoy the Sunset
Looked like too much fun to not play on the Rocks

I parked my bike and went in search of a sign for You
I Love finding these Special Places
Seeing and Appreciating The Beauty of The World
I'm so Blessed and Thankful to be able to
This is one of the Best parts of Life
The Best Part of Life is Love!

I guess the rocks come from tuff from Fish Canyon
tuff ~ a light, porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash.

The Meaning of You in My Life
Is Irreplaceable

I'll Never Give Up
I'll Always Honor The Love I've Felt
I Cherish All of those Memories
I Believe This is The Way
And I Believe in Us
So What Do You Expect Me to Do?
The Nights are getting frigid now
I Have Everything I Need.
I'm Thankful for All the Love I've been Given
All the Life
Your Stories are Each important to Me
I'll be a Character if and when I am invited to Be
Just as You are All an Important Part of My Story
We Do Not Control Our Heart
We Do No Dictate the Emotions We Feel
(Though we can evoke emotions within ourselves through memories, music, food, media, and other choices we make)
But No—We Do Not Control Our Emotions
The Better We Know Our Hearts
The Wiser Decisions We Will make for our Selves and for our Lives

If we Feel Anger, for example, we are much more likely to react in an aggressive way
Though we have some control over our response

The more Discipline we Build the more Control over our Selves we have
The further we can push our Selves
The more Ability we foster within our Selves
The More We Can Do
The more options we have
The more Freedom we have
The more Control over our Destiny We Are Given
Part of Life is most certainly Growing our self-knowledge/awareness of our Selves and Learning to respond appropriately—Lovingly—to all manner of intricate positions
Perhaps that is even one Reason for Existence itself
Base Camp
That's Right
We Have Another Mountain to Climb

My Heart is so Hungry
And isn't that what stops a lot of people from doing something like this?
It's not about comfort or food or money
It's all about that Fear of Your Very Own Heart

People that have not Reflected upon their Feelings and Actions nor Explored their Depths
They don't know what they'll Do when they're Down there

The Seeds in these are too hard to chew at all
But the dried skin on the outside is actually delicious!
It's kind of like a fig but with milder flavor
Her Spirit showed me I could have these

I didn't Want to Choose
So I clicked Publish
And left Crestone for Phoenix
The Future is ashine with Hope

Found this Potato Farm
Heard they were looking for Work
They have machines that pull the potatoes up
Sort away rocks, dirt, and vines
And Put 'em in a Truck!
The trucks drop a lot of potates...
So I picked a few up
And made a friend!

The trucks bring the potates to a nearby facility
The potatoes are sorted by size
And people stand around the conveyor belts pulling out the bad potatoes
Most of the potatoes here will be either chips or french fires
Which is what I'd of been doing
Had I not smoked some Ganja recently
So I would not have been able to pass their drug test
l o l

That's okay
I'm sure I'll find some other odd-job and Service opportunities
Plus it's getting very cold here and there are Mountains to Climb Still

Potatoes left outside Freeze at Night
So they're put in here
Thanks for the Tour and the Potates Allied Potato!
My Intentions in My Relationships
To Build Strong Meaningful Relationships
I Don't Know where I went Wrong
But I Swear...

I Swear I Loved You All

I was guided to another Beautiful Place

I Made a Decision though

And even Beyond My Love I Carry for All of You
I have things to Prove to Myself
My Word
My Strength
My Integrity
My Free Will
So I already Resolved
And Nothing Will Change My Mind or My Path
I'm All In
Life Love Heaven or Hell
I'll Die With My Dreams
Or I'll Fly With Them
I arrived Justin Time to enjoy the Sunset
Looked like too much fun to not play on the Rocks

I parked my bike and went in search of a sign for You
I Love finding these Special Places
Seeing and Appreciating The Beauty of The World
I'm so Blessed and Thankful to be able to
This is one of the Best parts of Life
The Best Part of Life is Love!
I don't usually camp out in the open on a random spot of dirt on the side of the road
But I Wanted to Stop and Catch the SunRise in the Exact Spot I hit 11111
I knew I had to come here once I heard the name of the place...

I guess the rocks come from tuff from Fish Canyon
tuff ~ a light, porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash.

The Meaning of You in My Life
Is Irreplaceable

And Completely Undeniable to Me.
I'll Never Give Up
I'll Always Honor The Love I've Felt
I Cherish All of those Memories
I Believe This is The Way
And I Believe in Us
So What Do You Expect Me to Do?
The Nights are getting frigid now
I Have Everything I Need.
I'm Thankful for All the Love I've been Given
All the Life
Your Stories are Each important to Me
I'll be a Character if and when I am invited to Be
Just as You are All an Important Part of My Story

We Do Not Control Our Heart
We Do No Dictate the Emotions We Feel
(Though we can evoke emotions within ourselves through memories, music, food, media, and other choices we make)
But No—We Do Not Control Our Emotions
The Better We Know Our Hearts
The Wiser Decisions We Will make for our Selves and for our Lives
And as we Learn and Grow
Navigating through Life

We come to have a better Understanding of Who and What we are and the limits of our Control
We experience how different situations and energies will make us Feel and thus respond

If we Feel Anger, for example, we are much more likely to react in an aggressive way
Though we have some control over our response

The more Discipline we Build the more Control over our Selves we have
The further we can push our Selves
The more Ability we foster within our Selves
The More We Can Do
The more options we have
The more Freedom we have
The more Control over our Destiny We Are Given
Part of Life is most certainly Growing our self-knowledge/awareness of our Selves and Learning to respond appropriately—Lovingly—to all manner of intricate positions
Perhaps that is even one Reason for Existence itself
Base Camp
That's Right
We Have Another Mountain to Climb

Black Creek
Thanks to Google Map skillz
I know if I Just follow this
It'll bring me straight to the Peak
My Heart is so Hungry
And isn't that what stops a lot of people from doing something like this?
It's not about comfort or food or money
It's all about that Fear of Your Very Own Heart

People that have not Reflected upon their Feelings and Actions nor Explored their Depths
They don't know what they'll Do when they're Down there

The Seeds in these are too hard to chew at all
But the dried skin on the outside is actually delicious!
It's kind of like a fig but with milder flavor
Her Spirit showed me I could have these

I didn't Want to Choose
I didn't Want to Have to
I Wanted to Love Everyone and I Wanted to Be Shared

I'll Name this Biome
Fall N' TreeIt's All pretty difficult to Navigate
But we're managing somehow

Life ProTip:
You Should Have a Base Level of Care—Compassion—for every fellow human
To at least Know that their Needs are met
Love (Care)
Food (Energy and Adequate Nutrition)
Shelter (Warmth, Protection from the Elements, Safety)

Love = Care * Fondness - Hate
Well actually I'm sure there's way more but I think only God can do the calculations
Most Love variables can't even be seen by us mortals
Well actually I'm sure there's way more but I think only God can do the calculations
Most Love variables can't even be seen by us mortals

Out of The Woods at Last

Time to Climb
I wonder if I can calculate how much I Miss You

Do You Remember eating together at Your Meal Hall?
And how We'd always sneak some apples and bananas and Sunflower Seed Butter and have that together in Your Room while we smoked?
We'd lay down and I'd Just hold You
I Never Wanted those moments to end
I Never Wanted to Depart from You
And I'd Do Anything to have You in my Arms again
I made it to You Once
I made it to You Twice
I made it to You Thrice...
Mount Hope

Do You Remember when I was Down there?
And You Lifted Me Back Up
Just by Holding My Hand
...I Will make it to You a Fourth Time

We All must maintain Balance within ourselves
Between Loving our Selves and Allowing ourselves to Enjoy and Partake and Let Go
And Being Hard on our Selves and Restraining ourselves from Pleasure and Having and Being Responsible

One can be in an Imbalanced State of Being and Still press on
Rather than believe You are Entitled to something because of your apparent perception of Lack and Taking that which is not yours to Have
See your Struggle as a Test
Hold True to Faith and Wait for what You Need to Be Given unto You
See ya tomorrow Sun!
And So begins My Real Test of Constitution

If one is trying to Care
Trying to Be Good
Trying to Walk in The Light
By being Reflective and putting some energy/attention into thought
One should be able to See what one lacks and figure some plan of growth
Setting Rules for oneself
Or a morning workout, for example

If one is trying to be Wicked
Trying to Hurt
Trying to Use and Consume
Well, I Believe in Justice
I Have to—That is my Namesake
I Will not Be Hasty in my Judgements
But I Will Act
With what Wisdom, Knowledge, and Righteousness I Have
And if not I as Deliverer
as Johnny Cash sang,
"You can run on for a long time
but sooner or later
God's gonna Cut You Down."
Made it back down to where the streams merge
Black Creek
This looks challenging
This Will be impossible to navigate in The Dark

One can be in an Imbalanced State of Being and Still press on
Rather than believe You are Entitled to something because of your apparent perception of Lack and Taking that which is not yours to Have
See your Struggle as a Test
Hold True to Faith and Wait for what You Need to Be Given unto You
See ya tomorrow Sun!
And So begins My Real Test of Constitution

If one is trying to Care
Trying to Be Good
Trying to Walk in The Light
By being Reflective and putting some energy/attention into thought
One should be able to See what one lacks and figure some plan of growth
Setting Rules for oneself
Or a morning workout, for example

If one is trying to be Wicked
Trying to Hurt
Trying to Use and Consume
Well, I Believe in Justice
I Have to—That is my Namesake
I Will not Be Hasty in my Judgements
But I Will Act
With what Wisdom, Knowledge, and Righteousness I Have
And if not I as Deliverer
as Johnny Cash sang,
"You can run on for a long time
but sooner or later
God's gonna Cut You Down."
Made it back down to where the streams merge
Black Creek
This looks challenging
This Will be impossible to navigate in The Dark
So I've got to Hurry but
I can't move Swiftly on this Terrain...

I got as far as I could in the Ravine of The Creek
But as Dusk settled in the route became impassable
So I escaped up the side
I couldn't stray far from the Creek
I had to keep in within earshot otherwise I could lose my way
So I couldn't zig-zag so much to find better routes as I'd found on my way up
Just Hours and Miles of This
Except this is the Flash from my Camera
It was more like this
Alone in this Wild Darkness
My Nerves are under constant Stress
But there's no choice
Than to keep moving forward
Removing the option of Giving Up
Is a Great Way to Dig into one's Depth and Push Your Limit
My Emotions are unstable
How could you DO this to Me?
Why aren't you talking to Me?
Why aren't ANY of You Talking to Me??
Am I even allowed to Feel something from that?
I've been calling for help and Just ignored and I don't know what's going on I'm in the Dark I'm Alone I'm Unwanted All my efforts I'm whining No One Cares The Future is Vast and Bright No One Loves Me I'm Capable I can Do Anything I Want to Die I'm Pathetic I'm Amazing I'm not Balanced Fuck Fuck Fuck
But Hey
I Made it!

A Real Slow Day
But also Buffeted by Wind all day
Which made it difficult to organize my things
A Kind Fisherman gave me Fruit and a Sandwich and granola bars
Those helped me a lot
I eventually got going
There was still more Mountain to Climb

Of Course I was Aware
of the coming challenge
Though the Wind being fiercely against me the entire climb made it all Doubly more difficult

I had read the Day prior
A Monk once broke his decade long Vow of Silence to Speak
"Food Bad."
I don't believe Food is Bad
I Believe Not Respecting, Appreciating, Caring about, and Not Giving Love to Food is Bad
So Disrespecting, Hurting, being Apathetic, and denying a relationship with one's Food is Bad/Wrong
I also Believe We are all "Food" in the same way
So Judging others—viewing them as beneath You and putting them down is False and Ugly
Though this is how a Wolf Eats
There is More to Life and Love than this—Than Eating
Love does not Consume—it Creates
We can—Must—hold our selves Higher
Higher than our Base Animal Nature
Love is What Separates Us from The Beasts
Strength is not one's Ability to Take from others' or The World
Strength is one's Ability to Persevere against Resistance
Strength is one's Ability to Give
Strength is one's Ability to Not Take.
After Cresting the top of Wolf Creek Pass
It was about 3,000 ft. elevation descent into the town of Pagosa Springs
I haven't flown so far and fast since descending Mt. Mitchell on the Blue Ridge Parkway
That was June and during the day though—I sailed into Asheville to the Abode of a kind man I happened to meet atop the Mountain who gave me food and shelter
This time it was Night and Cold
My flashlight was almost out of energy so I rode in the Dark much of the way
No place to Land
Just Me and The Stars
But Hey
I Made it!
This town has a natural Hot Springs right in the center of the town!
The Legend goes
When Natives lived here
A Sickness broke out in the village and a Cure could not be found
As most of the villagers took Ill and Hope began to fade
The town came together and prayed for a Cure to Save them
The next morning, where the Center Fire had been that everyone prayed around, there was now a spring of warm water flowing!
The People bathed in the Hot Spring
and all who did were Cured.
I had a Boss Battle with a Gorgon here!
I'm Flying
I Want to Keep Flying

I headed out of Pagosa Springs in the Rain
I was going to take it easy
Stop in a town maybe 17 miles up ahead
Find Shelter on Their Church doorstep
But then I felt I Needed to post this
Right Away
56 miles through Cold Rain
At Night
Over another Mountain Pass
Can You Imagine
How I Feel?
The Top of YellowJacket Pass
(Special Thank You to Sisters for pulling over and offering aid)
Down the other side was nothing but wet and cold and long as the on and off rain lashed my face and chilled me to the core
Rough Ride...
But Hey
I Made it!

Magical Shop

~By Dee McAliney
Start here:
Read to at least chapter:
But One Piece is Amazing so I recommend reading on!

I got as far as I could in the Ravine of The Creek
But as Dusk settled in the route became impassable
So I escaped up the side
I couldn't stray far from the Creek
I had to keep in within earshot otherwise I could lose my way
So I couldn't zig-zag so much to find better routes as I'd found on my way up
Just Hours and Miles of This
Except this is the Flash from my Camera
It was more like this
Alone in this Wild Darkness
My Nerves are under constant Stress
But there's no choice
Than to keep moving forward
Removing the option of Giving Up
Is a Great Way to Dig into one's Depth and Push Your Limit
My Emotions are unstable
How could you DO this to Me?
Why aren't you talking to Me?
Why aren't ANY of You Talking to Me??
Am I even allowed to Feel something from that?
I've been calling for help and Just ignored and I don't know what's going on I'm in the Dark I'm Alone I'm Unwanted All my efforts I'm whining No One Cares The Future is Vast and Bright No One Loves Me I'm Capable I can Do Anything I Want to Die I'm Pathetic I'm Amazing I'm not Balanced Fuck Fuck Fuck
But Hey
I Made it!

A Real Slow Day
But also Buffeted by Wind all day
Which made it difficult to organize my things
A Kind Fisherman gave me Fruit and a Sandwich and granola bars
Those helped me a lot
I eventually got going
There was still more Mountain to Climb

Of Course I was Aware
of the coming challenge
Though the Wind being fiercely against me the entire climb made it all Doubly more difficult

I had read the Day prior
A Monk once broke his decade long Vow of Silence to Speak
"Food Bad."
I Believe Not Respecting, Appreciating, Caring about, and Not Giving Love to Food is Bad
So Disrespecting, Hurting, being Apathetic, and denying a relationship with one's Food is Bad/Wrong
I also Believe We are all "Food" in the same way
So Judging others—viewing them as beneath You and putting them down is False and Ugly
Though this is how a Wolf Eats
There is More to Life and Love than this—Than Eating
Love does not Consume—it Creates
We can—Must—hold our selves Higher
Higher than our Base Animal Nature
Love is What Separates Us from The Beasts
Strength is not one's Ability to Take from others' or The World
Strength is one's Ability to Persevere against Resistance
Strength is one's Ability to Give
Strength is one's Ability to Not Take.
After Cresting the top of Wolf Creek Pass
It was about 3,000 ft. elevation descent into the town of Pagosa Springs
I haven't flown so far and fast since descending Mt. Mitchell on the Blue Ridge Parkway
That was June and during the day though—I sailed into Asheville to the Abode of a kind man I happened to meet atop the Mountain who gave me food and shelter
This time it was Night and Cold
My flashlight was almost out of energy so I rode in the Dark much of the way
No place to Land
Just Me and The Stars
But Hey
I Made it!
This town has a natural Hot Springs right in the center of the town!
The Legend goes
When Natives lived here
A Sickness broke out in the village and a Cure could not be found
As most of the villagers took Ill and Hope began to fade
The town came together and prayed for a Cure to Save them
The next morning, where the Center Fire had been that everyone prayed around, there was now a spring of warm water flowing!
The People bathed in the Hot Spring
and all who did were Cured.
I had a Boss Battle with a Gorgon here!
I'm Flying
I Want to Keep Flying

I was going to take it easy
Stop in a town maybe 17 miles up ahead
Find Shelter on Their Church doorstep
But then I felt I Needed to post this
Right Away
56 miles through Cold Rain
At Night
Over another Mountain Pass
Can You Imagine
How I Feel?
The Top of YellowJacket Pass
(Special Thank You to Sisters for pulling over and offering aid)
Down the other side was nothing but wet and cold and long as the on and off rain lashed my face and chilled me to the core
Rough Ride...
But Hey
I Made it!

Magical Shop

~By Dee McAliney
Start here:
Read to at least chapter:
But One Piece is Amazing so I recommend reading on!
Sept. 24th — Awoke at EarthDancer Shoemakers — 200 push-ups 200 crunches — Ride 7 miles (No Weight)
Ate can of carrots from Town of Crestone, 1/2 potato with butter from Little Shepard, Cup of Rescued Cheese
At 3 cups (estimated) of Rice and Beans and Corn from Little Shepard and Tomato from Barry
Ride 25 miles
Ate granola bar from Dave, granola bar from Sister, and 1 piece of Banana Bread from Little Shepard
Ride 7 miles
Sept. 25th — Awoke at Allied Potato — 200 push-ups 200 crunches — Ate 3 bites of raw potato
Ride 7 miles
Ate half jar of Sunflower Seed Butter with Cacao from Mataji, apple from Sister, rescued Carrot, and 4 pieces of Banana Bread from Little Shepard, and 7 prunes
Ride 11 miles — Hike 2 miles — Ride 2 miles
Sept. 26th — Awoke at Elephant Rocks — Technique Training (knife) 100 push-ups
Ate 1/2 undergrown (not ripe) watermelon given from above
Ride 7 miles — 100 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate approximately a dozen prunes from Little Shepard, 2 banans given from above, 1 raw potato from Allied Potato with handful of rescued peanuts, the other half of the Sunflower Seed Butter from Mataji with rescued DreamWeaver Oats, piece of banana bread, and 1/4 granola bar from Rudy
Ride 17 miles — Technique Training (Flurries)
Sept. 27th — Awoke at God's Doorstep in South Fork — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ride 1 mile
Ate 2 raw potatoes from Allied Potato with a handful of rescued peanuts and salt, pepper, mustard, and mayo from little brother. 1 piece of banana bread from Little Shepard and a LaraBar from Rudy and another LaraBar from Sister and a Scoop of Journey Mix
(Pepitas from Kevin, Cheerios from Rosalyn, Banana chips and cranberries from Lisa, raisins from Tim, Chick Pea from Mataji, and cinnamon from Sharron
Ride 14 miles (1100 ft climb)
Sept 28th — Awoke at Big Meadows Reservoir — 100 push-ups
Climbed Mount. Hope (10-12 miles hiking total approximately 3,500 ft ascent/descent)
Ate approximately 2 granola bars from Rudy half way up
Ate half can of pumpkin and handful of raisins from Little Shepard and about 4 tablespoons of Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma
Sept 29th — Awoke at Big Meadows Reservoir — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate half can of pumpkin and handful of raisins from Little Shepard, 1/4th jar of Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma, half a raw potato from Allied Potato with God Given Hot Sauce, 1/4 granola bar from Rudy, handful of God Given under ripe watermelon seeds, bushel of grapes, half a sandwich, and granola bar from kind fisherman.
Ride 10 miles up approximately 1,100 ft climb
Ate other half of sandwich and 3 granola bars from kind fisherman throughout climb
Ride 25 miles (mostly downhill)
Ate handful of grapes
Sept. 30th — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate Apple and Banana from kind fisherman and 1/4 jar Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma
Ate 1/2 granola bar from Rudy
Oct. 1st — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 50 push-ups Technique Training (Flurries)
Ate French Toast from Mataji, 2 rescued apples
200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate 1/2 granola bar from Rudy, half sandwich, banana, bag of almonds from Mataji, and handful of foraged fruit
Oct. 2 — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 250 push-ups 250 crunches
Ate Rescued DreamWeaver Oats with Scoop of Journey mix, and handful of walnuts and 1/2 cup of buttermilk from Mataji, and "Please get that out of My Life" Granola Bar from Tim
Rode 64 miles (Ate Jack Granola Bar from Dusty after about 20)
Ate half a cheese quesadilla from Tigh, 3 slices of pizza, 2 cheese stuffed pasta shells, 2 cups of yogurt, slice of pumpkin bread, 1 pear, 2 apples, slice of sourdough bread, and several cups of coconut water and cashew milk from Manna, and a peanut butter and jelly from a Nice Lady.
Haven't Slept Yet
Ride 7 miles
Sept. 25th — Awoke at Allied Potato — 200 push-ups 200 crunches — Ate 3 bites of raw potato
Ride 7 miles
Ate half jar of Sunflower Seed Butter with Cacao from Mataji, apple from Sister, rescued Carrot, and 4 pieces of Banana Bread from Little Shepard, and 7 prunes
Ride 11 miles — Hike 2 miles — Ride 2 miles
Sept. 26th — Awoke at Elephant Rocks — Technique Training (knife) 100 push-ups
Ate 1/2 undergrown (not ripe) watermelon given from above
Ride 7 miles — 100 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate approximately a dozen prunes from Little Shepard, 2 banans given from above, 1 raw potato from Allied Potato with handful of rescued peanuts, the other half of the Sunflower Seed Butter from Mataji with rescued DreamWeaver Oats, piece of banana bread, and 1/4 granola bar from Rudy
Ride 17 miles — Technique Training (Flurries)
Sept. 27th — Awoke at God's Doorstep in South Fork — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ride 1 mile
Ate 2 raw potatoes from Allied Potato with a handful of rescued peanuts and salt, pepper, mustard, and mayo from little brother. 1 piece of banana bread from Little Shepard and a LaraBar from Rudy and another LaraBar from Sister and a Scoop of Journey Mix
(Pepitas from Kevin, Cheerios from Rosalyn, Banana chips and cranberries from Lisa, raisins from Tim, Chick Pea from Mataji, and cinnamon from Sharron
Ride 14 miles (1100 ft climb)
Sept 28th — Awoke at Big Meadows Reservoir — 100 push-ups
Climbed Mount. Hope (10-12 miles hiking total approximately 3,500 ft ascent/descent)
Ate approximately 2 granola bars from Rudy half way up
Ate half can of pumpkin and handful of raisins from Little Shepard and about 4 tablespoons of Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma
Sept 29th — Awoke at Big Meadows Reservoir — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate half can of pumpkin and handful of raisins from Little Shepard, 1/4th jar of Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma, half a raw potato from Allied Potato with God Given Hot Sauce, 1/4 granola bar from Rudy, handful of God Given under ripe watermelon seeds, bushel of grapes, half a sandwich, and granola bar from kind fisherman.
Ride 10 miles up approximately 1,100 ft climb
Ate other half of sandwich and 3 granola bars from kind fisherman throughout climb
Ride 25 miles (mostly downhill)
Ate handful of grapes
Sept. 30th — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate Apple and Banana from kind fisherman and 1/4 jar Sunflower Seed Butter from Grandma
Ate 1/2 granola bar from Rudy
Oct. 1st — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 50 push-ups Technique Training (Flurries)
Ate French Toast from Mataji, 2 rescued apples
200 push-ups 200 crunches
Ate 1/2 granola bar from Rudy, half sandwich, banana, bag of almonds from Mataji, and handful of foraged fruit
Oct. 2 — Awoke at Pagosa Springs Library — 250 push-ups 250 crunches
Ate Rescued DreamWeaver Oats with Scoop of Journey mix, and handful of walnuts and 1/2 cup of buttermilk from Mataji, and "Please get that out of My Life" Granola Bar from Tim
Rode 64 miles (Ate Jack Granola Bar from Dusty after about 20)
Ate half a cheese quesadilla from Tigh, 3 slices of pizza, 2 cheese stuffed pasta shells, 2 cups of yogurt, slice of pumpkin bread, 1 pear, 2 apples, slice of sourdough bread, and several cups of coconut water and cashew milk from Manna, and a peanut butter and jelly from a Nice Lady.
Haven't Slept Yet
Greetings Brother!! Great pictures, good read. Keep up the videos!