I really Love this town
Before I began My Journey
I had this image of Colorado in my Head
Some small beautiful mountain town
Filled with hippies and artists and builders and farmers
And I'll admit, then I was dreaming of it
Beautiful Women...
But what I sought wasn't cheap thrills
Home and Belonging
Peace and Freedom
Love and Meaning

Of course it was always about Love
But I didn't always know how or who or what or why
I know I made mistakes
I'm Sorry.
I only have one real regret
And that's my Brother's Blood spilled on my Shoe
It's funny
That at last I found the Heaven I sought
But am so Burned and Changed by Everything that's happened along the way
I'm not interested in enjoying the Heaven as I once would have
I Just Want to
Need to
To Create My Dream
Or maybe the irony is that as I found My Heaven
Or at least a vision of it
I've found My Hell too
Just like The Choices we each have every day
Seeing them both
At The Same Time
Before I began My Journey
I had this image of Colorado in my Head
Some small beautiful mountain town
Filled with hippies and artists and builders and farmers
And I'll admit, then I was dreaming of it
Beautiful Women...
But what I sought wasn't cheap thrills
Home and Belonging
Peace and Freedom
Love and Meaning

Of course it was always about Love
But I didn't always know how or who or what or why
I know I made mistakes
I'm Sorry.

I only have one real regret
And that's my Brother's Blood spilled on my Shoe
It's funny
That at last I found the Heaven I sought
But am so Burned and Changed by Everything that's happened along the way
I'm not interested in enjoying the Heaven as I once would have
I Just Want to
Need to
To Create My Dream

Or maybe the irony is that as I found My Heaven
Or at least a vision of it
I've found My Hell too
Just like The Choices we each have every day
Seeing them both
At The Same Time
Micheal had showed me this perfect glimpse of Heaven
And I could create that too
All it takes is Work
Maybe here
I don't know that yet
But I'll Definitely be back though
One Day...

So I Ride
And I Think
And I See
As in Understand
My Choice
And I'm thankful for that
Because that is Freedom
I can Throw it All Away
Or Carry it All the Way

I can Make a New Beginning
Or I can Make it Right
And By God I know I can Make it Right
I don't know if I can even discard these Feelings
I haven't tried
I've looked down The Road from the corner
But I know where I'm trying to go
I'm not Lost
Not anymore
I Choose to Believe
I Choose to Believe in Lord Above
I Choose to Believe in My Self
I Choose to Believe in Each of You
You Promised
You Promised me a letter
So I Await its Delivery
You Promised me You'd Read
So I Know You Are
You Promised me You'd be there
So I Will Be Too
I guess I Got What I Wanted though

I Wanted To Love You All
Without Reservation or Censorship
This is What that Looks like
"If it's Wrong then Haul Me back to Flames
'Cause I don't Care about anyone's Shallow Games
If it's Wrong Just leave me—leave me in the Dirt
'Cause either way, Abandonment Hurts."
If it wasn't for Her I'd be Dead.

I don't think I would have Killed myself perse
Every dead animal I pass on the side of the road makes me sad
Such a Waste of Life
I don't even like to Waste Onions
No—I don't think I would have Killed myself
But definitely increasing and increasingly self-destructive behavior
until at last
One Loose Rock
So I Forgive You for moving me to that point
For bring Me Down so Low
But I know I wouldn't have sung this song playing now
I'd be Dead.
If it wasn't for Her Light
Simply Her Existence
The God Given Gift of Her Existence in My Life

So that was The Moment My Heart Changed
In Case anyone was wondering.

Most People seem stuck
in their own little hole.
They dug it themselves.
A hole of their own Desires.
It's not that they can't climb out either
They Just don't want to.
Hey! It's their Life!
If they're happy down there
I'm not here to Judge.
I Just point out what I See.
You're Unhealthy
You're trapped in that hole you dug
You're almost there but you need this

You can move the fucking Moon for someone
But if they don't Care they don't Care.
That's their Choice.
They have to choose to Care.
We each do
We have to Want to
We have to see and understand it's a better way
We have to Dig into our selves
Emotional—sometimes painful and difficult—reflective work
Find our Apathy
And Abolish it

Just Do Your Best
And God Will Help You
If You Allow

Some Men Need to See Something Beautiful—We All Need a Good Model of Love and Life
A Dream to Emulate
Each in our own Lives
A Real Creation
To Inspire and Guide
Some Men Need to Learn
How to See Their Sisters
How to Treat Their Sisters
How to Respect and Love their Sisters
And Earn Love, Respect, and Trust
Guidance to The Sacred Humility
What to Fight†Ask for

I'm Asking for Work
Good Work
So I can earn My Way Home

"Keep Fightin' The Good Fight"
And I could create that too
All it takes is Work
Maybe here
I don't know that yet
But I'll Definitely be back though
One Day...

So I Ride
And I Think
And I See
As in Understand
My Choice
And I'm thankful for that
Because that is Freedom
I can Throw it All Away
Or Carry it All the Way
I can Make a New Beginning
Or I can Make it Right
And By God I know I can Make it Right
I don't know if I can even discard these Feelings
I haven't tried
I've looked down The Road from the corner
But I know where I'm trying to go
I'm not Lost
Not anymore
I Choose to Believe in Lord Above
I Choose to Believe in My Self
I Choose to Believe in Each of You
You Promised
You Promised me a letter
So I Await its Delivery
You Promised me You'd Read
So I Know You Are
You Promised me You'd be there
So I Will Be Too
I guess I Got What I Wanted though

I Wanted To Love You All
Without Reservation or Censorship
This is What that Looks like
"If it's Wrong then Haul Me back to Flames
'Cause I don't Care about anyone's Shallow Games
If it's Wrong Just leave me—leave me in the Dirt
'Cause either way, Abandonment Hurts."
If it wasn't for Her I'd be Dead.

I don't think I would have Killed myself perse
Every dead animal I pass on the side of the road makes me sad
Such a Waste of Life
I don't even like to Waste Onions
No—I don't think I would have Killed myself
But definitely increasing and increasingly self-destructive behavior
until at last
One Loose Rock
So I Forgive You for moving me to that point
For bring Me Down so Low
But I know I wouldn't have sung this song playing now
I'd be Dead.
If it wasn't for Her Light
Simply Her Existence
The God Given Gift of Her Existence in My Life

So that was The Moment My Heart Changed
In Case anyone was wondering.

Most People seem stuck
in their own little hole.
They dug it themselves.
A hole of their own Desires.
It's not that they can't climb out either
They Just don't want to.
Hey! It's their Life!
If they're happy down there
I'm not here to Judge.
I Just point out what I See.
You're Unhealthy
You're trapped in that hole you dug
You're almost there but you need this

You can move the fucking Moon for someone
But if they don't Care they don't Care.
That's their Choice.
They have to choose to Care.
We each do
We have to Want to
We have to see and understand it's a better way
We have to Dig into our selves
Emotional—sometimes painful and difficult—reflective work
Find our Apathy
And Abolish it

Just Do Your Best
And God Will Help You
If You Allow

Some Men Need to See Something Beautiful—We All Need a Good Model of Love and Life
A Dream to Emulate
Each in our own Lives
A Real Creation
To Inspire and Guide
Some Men Need to Learn
How to See Their Sisters
How to Treat Their Sisters
How to Respect and Love their Sisters
And Earn Love, Respect, and Trust
Guidance to The Sacred Humility
What to Fight†Ask for

I'm Asking for Work
Good Work
So I can earn My Way Home

"Keep Fightin' The Good Fight"
That's one of my mottos
I consider myself a Warrior
But I also seek Peace
I often Ask
When Do We Fight?
I Fight for Her.
And I Stand Ready.

The Good Fight Begins Within
We Must Defeat Our Own Demons
Before We Can Defeat Those in The World

I Will Not Be Silenced.

One Last Peak
I set out at 4am
Moon Set
I was racing the Moon around The Earth to the Peak!

I Built My Self into Someone I Could Love

People see me and they don't understand
What I mean when I use the word Man
The Word isn't Given for what one keeps in their Pants
It is earned through Righteousness and Integrity—by always doing what one can.

I'd like to claim I've come that far
I tell You I've Struggled, this Road has been hard
But I've fought I've climbed I've Risen, so I may play my true part
My Self and My Name that I've Earned—Justin LionHeart

Bestowed as such for the way in which I Love—protective, caring, with Pride
An Unbreakable vow I easily make—'til the day I die I am on Your Side
To The End of The World to Hell and Back—Anything to prove I Have not lied
But what Race run, what Beast conquered, to convince You to Join me for a Ride?

'Tis All I Dream of Day and Night, Your Love Has Me all Up and Riled
This gift of Me it belongs to You, and My Hunger is Enormous and Wild
But I Do Not Want to Make You go Down—I Just Want to Make You Smile
And I'm not trying to mislead anyone—I'm Just trying to Lyle

He was an adventurer and a hero—one of my favs
He explored different ruins with his friends and saved them from many graves
He was Respected, Trusted, and Loved for he was Strong, Honest, and Brave
I wouldn't really call him a bad-ass, though he would suffer no knave
So Know that when you're with Me, You are Safe and You are Free
I'll stake My Life for You any Time, for You are All So Important to Me
This is What I am—It is Who I Wanted—Decided—to Be
And when at last our Paths Do Cross—My Love You Shall Feel, This Self You Shall See

The Things that 'cause us Fear
That make us Hate Ourselves
Give Us Nightmares—Lose Sleep
Doubt our Selves and Others and God

And the People that come into our Lives and soothe our troubled Minds and Dig Gently into our Hearts and Take those Painful Confusing Frightening Dark Desires and turn them into Beautiful Precious Memories—Filling us with Love and there by lifting us from the Abyss We so often Lose our Self in by Giving Us Something True and Real to Believe In.
This is What You and Your Love Mean to Me

Now I find myself in A Place of Goodness and Peace
Where I exist with The Lord
Serving and Creating and Sharing
Growing Love and Disseminating Wisdom
As Best I Can

I Do Not Need.
But I Wish to Give Back to the Sisters who carried me.
I must prove to them My Love
Bless them in any way that I can
Serve them as they Need
and perhaps even deliver unto them their Wants

And So I
Wait—Shooting Stars Above
Fight—The Abyss Below


Climb the Mountain in Safety
Ascension—Union—Climbing our Way through this World—Lifting our Selves Above our Earthly Wants/Desires to a Place (State of Being) of Love and Beautiful Contentment
There is Meaning in The Choice
There is Meaning in Our Free Will
The Struggle to Love in a World of Numbers and Consumption is Beautiful.
Every step Upwards
In the Right Direction
Towards The Peak
Enriches our Lives with Love
Maybe it's The Meaning in our Lives that can only Be Felt
Not Explained or Understood in Words

Us Each changing our Action

The Good Fight Begins Within
We Must Defeat Our Own Demons
Before We Can Defeat Those in The World

I Will Not Be Silenced.

One Last Peak
I set out at 4am
Moon Set
I was racing the Moon around The Earth to the Peak!

I Built My Self into Someone I Could Love

People see me and they don't understand
What I mean when I use the word Man
The Word isn't Given for what one keeps in their Pants
It is earned through Righteousness and Integrity—by always doing what one can.

I'd like to claim I've come that far
I tell You I've Struggled, this Road has been hard
But I've fought I've climbed I've Risen, so I may play my true part
My Self and My Name that I've Earned—Justin LionHeart

An Unbreakable vow I easily make—'til the day I die I am on Your Side
To The End of The World to Hell and Back—Anything to prove I Have not lied
But what Race run, what Beast conquered, to convince You to Join me for a Ride?

'Tis All I Dream of Day and Night, Your Love Has Me all Up and Riled
This gift of Me it belongs to You, and My Hunger is Enormous and Wild
But I Do Not Want to Make You go Down—I Just Want to Make You Smile
And I'm not trying to mislead anyone—I'm Just trying to Lyle

He was an adventurer and a hero—one of my favs
He explored different ruins with his friends and saved them from many graves
He was Respected, Trusted, and Loved for he was Strong, Honest, and Brave
I wouldn't really call him a bad-ass, though he would suffer no knave
So Know that when you're with Me, You are Safe and You are Free
I'll stake My Life for You any Time, for You are All So Important to Me
This is What I am—It is Who I Wanted—Decided—to Be
And when at last our Paths Do Cross—My Love You Shall Feel, This Self You Shall See

The Things that 'cause us Fear
That make us Hate Ourselves
Give Us Nightmares—Lose Sleep
Doubt our Selves and Others and God

And the People that come into our Lives and soothe our troubled Minds and Dig Gently into our Hearts and Take those Painful Confusing Frightening Dark Desires and turn them into Beautiful Precious Memories—Filling us with Love and there by lifting us from the Abyss We so often Lose our Self in by Giving Us Something True and Real to Believe In.
This is What You and Your Love Mean to Me

Now I find myself in A Place of Goodness and Peace
Where I exist with The Lord
Serving and Creating and Sharing
Growing Love and Disseminating Wisdom
As Best I Can

I Do Not Need.
But I Wish to Give Back to the Sisters who carried me.
I must prove to them My Love
Bless them in any way that I can
Serve them as they Need
and perhaps even deliver unto them their Wants

And So I
Wait—Shooting Stars Above
Fight—The Abyss Below


Climb the Mountain in Safety
Explore The Caves in Safety
Explore The Caves in Love
Love Is Safety
Just as it is Care
Ascension—Union—Climbing our Way through this World—Lifting our Selves Above our Earthly Wants/Desires to a Place (State of Being) of Love and Beautiful Contentment
There is Meaning in The Choice
There is Meaning in Our Free Will
The Struggle to Love in a World of Numbers and Consumption is Beautiful.
Every step Upwards
In the Right Direction
Towards The Peak
Enriches our Lives with Love

Maybe it's The Meaning in our Lives that can only Be Felt
Not Explained or Understood in Words

Us Each changing our Action
To Choose Love
To Choose that Feeling
To Choose to Pursue the Person that made us Feel that Way
The Person We Love
And there's Meaning in that Choice
When there are So Many Other Choices
Other Pursuits
To Choose to Give Precious Pieces of Our Selves

The Wall

From Here to Austin, Texas
I Have Had Beautiful Vision after Glorious Dream of Her and I Beign Together
At Last
And Flying
Being Free
Both Our Selves and The World
I Need Her
And there's Meaning in that Choice
When there are So Many Other Choices
Other Pursuits
To Choose to Give Precious Pieces of Our Selves

The Wall

From Here to Austin, Texas
I Have Had Beautiful Vision after Glorious Dream of Her and I Beign Together
At Last
And Flying
Being Free
Both Our Selves and The World
I Need Her
I Believe She Needs Me
I Love Her
I Know She Loves Me
I Want Her
My Wall was my inability to choose Waiting
But I had a Vision of Breaking through it in Texas
The Poem had weakened it as I Charged Through
My Mad Desperate Charge
I've had that Vision for Years
It represented All My Limits

My Weakness
Where I'd Fall
Where I'd Turn
Where I'd Give Up
And I'm Still So Powerless and Imperfect
But I Broke Through That Wall
I Have Power Over My Self and My Will
I Can and Will Bring My Action Unto This World
That's all any of us can really Do.
Control our Own Selves
Our Choices
And I...
Wait a minute...
Did I climb the wrong peak again??
No this was definitely the right climb...
So that means that...
The Mountain I'd been trying to climb this whole time...
Was the same Mountain as the first Peak I climbed when I got here!
I was Just trying to climb it from the other side!
I had no idea!

This way up is more difficult than the Willow Lake Trail
Exploring the Mountain off-trail was also one of the Most Fun things I've ever done
I call this a *click*
When one is Exploring an Unknown area and two different Explored areas come together
Happens in Cities all the time
I Love to Explore.
Oh yeah
Can't forget this (;

Now to Descend
The Sun is setting on me as I climb down from this peak
This Time though
I'm Prepared.
Moon Rise
We Are Reflections Upon The Moon
I Will Always Love You
I Will Always Care for You
I Will Always Welcome You
I Will Always Protect You
Because of what You mean to me
What You've Given to Me
What we've Shared together
I can write these Expressions because I Know they're True
Because no matter where I've been or what I've been through
None of these emotions have been Lost to My Heart
I'm Wet. Cold. Alone. In the Wood in the Dark.
It's Storming and I'm sore and tired and my feet ache and this Path is Rocky and Challenging to tread
I've got ten miles of this to go.
This is Easy.
Easy compared to existing without You with Reach
Easy compared to being cast out of your Life
This Dark Night Shines compared to the Darkness You Put Me in
Darkness I am Still in
Save but for the Hope of Your Promise
You were My Light
You don't know how you were My Light
I didn't know either—for a while
I could not See
But You've been My Light since the Day I met You
Please don't tell me
That I Have Seen too Late
This isn't a game to Me
Absolutely Not
Nothing is more Real to Me
Nothing is more Important to Me
Than Repairing Us
Into whatever Good Strong thing
You Want that to Be
Whatever We Choose to Be Together
That's What we're Meant to Be
I'm Sorry
That I Needed to Be Hurt
That I Needed to Feel the loss of Your Care
That I Needed to See the loss of My Light
In Order to Realize All This.


Jesus helps with Darkness too
But even Heaven is a Gray Limbo
Without that Special kind of Love
By My Side

I called You from Heaven once
She had abandoned me yet again and was ignoring me
I saw a sign, "Why don't You Talk to Your Best Friend anymore?"
And I thought of You
You're the One I thought of
'Cause of that pinky promise
So I gave You a call

You were with Him
You were Busy
Seemed surprised to hear from me
Couldn't talk—would call back later
A call that never came

I sunk back into the Grayness of the Heaven I'd been carried to
And cried myself to sleep that night
I can't honestly recall
But those Days
I cried most Nights

Tears Falling from Heaven
That's what brings the Rains
I understand that and have to Just wear The Right Jacket
And maybe really I Just Want for too much from life
I don't know
But I still feel like My Sunshine has been unduly shrouded from mine eyes for far too long

Every Time I Come Here
I Like to Express
Because I Believe it is Important to
That Everyone Should Only Take What They Need
And What They Feel is Meant for Them
I Hope The WonderBoots went to Who They were Meant to Go With

The Balance between
Loving Oneself
Reflecting Upon Oneself
Believing in Oneself
And Humbling Oneself

And Some Dreams are So Visible
So Within Reach
So Perfect
So Given
Those are The Dreams We Must Pray For
Our Actions
No Matter What Happens
To Repair
To Mend
To Create
To Grow


From The Ashes She Became
Before she became fire, she was water.
Quenching the thirst of every dying creature.
She gave and she gave
until she turned from sea to desert.
But instead of dying of the heat,
the sadness, the heartache,
she took all of her pain
and from her own ashes became fire.
~Nikita Gill

Once upon a time,
When women were birds,
There was the simple understanding
That to sing at dawn
And to sing at dusk
Was to heal the world through joy.
The birds still remember what we have forgotten,
That the world is meant to be celebrated.
~Terry Tempest Williams

All work and no play
That's the way it is, ain't it
There's rhythm deep inside of you
And you must get reacquainted
When was the last time
You danced?
When was the last time
You danced?
~Gnarls Barkley

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily tasks go to sleep in peace.
God is awake.
~Victor Hugo

Never Give a Sword to a Man who can't Dance.
~Celtic Motto
The man without imagination has no wings. He cannot fly.
~Muhammad Ali

The repose of Love is a weariness;
its onset, a sickness, its end, death.
For me however, death through Love is Life,
I give thanks to my Beloved that she has
held it out to me.
Whoever does not die of his Love is unable to live by it.
~Ibn al-Farid

No captive for the gallows bound
With more reluctance quits his cell
Than I thy presence, in profound
Regret to say farewell.
But when, my darling, comes the time
That we may be together, I
Run swiftly as the moon doth climb
The ramparts of the sky.
At last, alas! That sweet delight
Must end anew; I, lingering yet,
Turn slowly, as from heaven's height
The fixed stars creep to set.
I waited still, until night came
Upon me, hoping yet
To meet thee, O my quest, and aim
On which my heart is set!
Then I, who never any day
Despaired, though long the night,
At last to dark despair gave way
When dark o'ercame my light.
Moreover I a proof will cite
That cannot tell a lie;
The like such problems solve aright
As reason else defy:
To wit, if thou shouldst ever deign
One night to visit me,
No longer darkness would remain,

My Weakness
Where I'd Fall
Where I'd Turn
Where I'd Give Up
And I'm Still So Powerless and Imperfect
But I Broke Through That Wall
I Have Power Over My Self and My Will
I Can and Will Bring My Action Unto This World
That's all any of us can really Do.
Control our Own Selves
Our Choices
And I...
Wait a minute...
Did I climb the wrong peak again??
No this was definitely the right climb...
So that means that...
The Mountain I'd been trying to climb this whole time...
Was the same Mountain as the first Peak I climbed when I got here!
I was Just trying to climb it from the other side!
I had no idea!

This way up is more difficult than the Willow Lake Trail
Exploring the Mountain off-trail was also one of the Most Fun things I've ever done
I call this a *click*
When one is Exploring an Unknown area and two different Explored areas come together
Happens in Cities all the time
I Love to Explore.
Oh yeah
Can't forget this (;

Now to Descend
The Sun is setting on me as I climb down from this peak
This Time though
I'm Prepared.
Moon Rise
We Are Reflections Upon The Moon
I Will Always Love You
I Will Always Care for You
I Will Always Welcome You
I Will Always Protect You
Because of what You mean to me
What You've Given to Me
What we've Shared together
I can write these Expressions because I Know they're True
Because no matter where I've been or what I've been through
None of these emotions have been Lost to My Heart
I'm Wet. Cold. Alone. In the Wood in the Dark.
It's Storming and I'm sore and tired and my feet ache and this Path is Rocky and Challenging to tread
I've got ten miles of this to go.
This is Easy.
Easy compared to existing without You with Reach
Easy compared to being cast out of your Life
This Dark Night Shines compared to the Darkness You Put Me in
Darkness I am Still in
Save but for the Hope of Your Promise

You were My Light
You don't know how you were My Light
I didn't know either—for a while
I could not See
But You've been My Light since the Day I met You
Please don't tell me
That I Have Seen too Late
This isn't a game to Me
Absolutely Not
Nothing is more Real to Me
Nothing is more Important to Me
Than Repairing Us
Into whatever Good Strong thing
You Want that to Be
Whatever We Choose to Be Together
That's What we're Meant to Be
I'm Sorry
That I Needed to Be Hurt
That I Needed to Feel the loss of Your Care
That I Needed to See the loss of My Light
In Order to Realize All This.


Jesus helps with Darkness too
But even Heaven is a Gray Limbo
Without that Special kind of Love
By My Side

I called You from Heaven once
She had abandoned me yet again and was ignoring me
I saw a sign, "Why don't You Talk to Your Best Friend anymore?"
And I thought of You
You're the One I thought of
'Cause of that pinky promise
So I gave You a call

You were with Him
You were Busy
Seemed surprised to hear from me
Couldn't talk—would call back later
A call that never came

I sunk back into the Grayness of the Heaven I'd been carried to
And cried myself to sleep that night
I can't honestly recall
But those Days
I cried most Nights

Tears Falling from Heaven
That's what brings the Rains
I understand that and have to Just wear The Right Jacket
And maybe really I Just Want for too much from life
I don't know
But I still feel like My Sunshine has been unduly shrouded from mine eyes for far too long

I Like to Express
Because I Believe it is Important to
That Everyone Should Only Take What They Need
And What They Feel is Meant for Them
I Hope The WonderBoots went to Who They were Meant to Go With

The Balance between
Loving Oneself
Reflecting Upon Oneself
Believing in Oneself
And Humbling Oneself

My Dreams
What I Want to Experience
In My Life
I Have to Choose Them
In Order to Weave them into Reality
I Have to Work towards Them
So I Can Love Them

And Some Dreams are So Visible
So Within Reach
So Perfect
So Given
Those are The Dreams We Must Pray For
Our Actions
No Matter What Happens
To Repair
To Mend
To Create
To Grow

once the storm is over,
you won’t remember how you made it through,
how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure,
whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm,
you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what this storm’s all about.
~Haruki Murakami
you won’t remember how you made it through,
how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure,
whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm,
you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what this storm’s all about.
~Haruki Murakami

From The Ashes She Became
Before she became fire, she was water.
Quenching the thirst of every dying creature.
She gave and she gave
until she turned from sea to desert.
But instead of dying of the heat,
the sadness, the heartache,
she took all of her pain
and from her own ashes became fire.
~Nikita Gill

Once upon a time,
When women were birds,
There was the simple understanding
That to sing at dawn
And to sing at dusk
Was to heal the world through joy.
The birds still remember what we have forgotten,
That the world is meant to be celebrated.
~Terry Tempest Williams

All work and no play
That's the way it is, ain't it
There's rhythm deep inside of you
And you must get reacquainted
When was the last time
You danced?
When was the last time
You danced?
~Gnarls Barkley

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily tasks go to sleep in peace.
God is awake.
~Victor Hugo

Never Give a Sword to a Man who can't Dance.
~Celtic Motto

The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.
~The man without imagination has no wings. He cannot fly.
~Muhammad Ali

The repose of Love is a weariness;
its onset, a sickness, its end, death.
For me however, death through Love is Life,
I give thanks to my Beloved that she has
held it out to me.
Whoever does not die of his Love is unable to live by it.
~Ibn al-Farid

No captive for the gallows bound
With more reluctance quits his cell
Than I thy presence, in profound
Regret to say farewell.
But when, my darling, comes the time
That we may be together, I
Run swiftly as the moon doth climb
The ramparts of the sky.
At last, alas! That sweet delight
Must end anew; I, lingering yet,
Turn slowly, as from heaven's height
The fixed stars creep to set.
Upon me, hoping yet
To meet thee, O my quest, and aim
On which my heart is set!
Then I, who never any day
Despaired, though long the night,
At last to dark despair gave way
When dark o'ercame my light.
Moreover I a proof will cite
That cannot tell a lie;
The like such problems solve aright
As reason else defy:
To wit, if thou shouldst ever deign
One night to visit me,
But light eternally.
~Ibn Hazam

Love is like a peace sign:

The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work, whether we accept it or not. Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the law of nature, even so a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work greater wonders...
~Mahatma Ghandi
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

"Fight the Good Fight
and Respect Your Sisters!
God Bless Brother
At Your Service Sister
Follow Jesus
He Knows What He's Doin'
and Remember
The Sky is Still Blue."

The Birds sang the Dawn, and the Beloved who is the Dawn awoke
And the birds ended their song and the Lover died for his Beloved in the dawn.
They asked the Lover, who is thy Beloved?
He answered. She who makes me Love,
Long, pine, weep, sigh, suffer, and die.
~Ramon Llull

The queen was wounded sorely: the deep passion
fed on her lifeblood, burnt her with secret fire,
She brooded on the hero's chivalry,
and noble birth, his face and words remained
deep in her heart, and passion wrung her limbs.
That day was the first cause of death and
anguish flame.
Now careless of her name and fame.
No long purposes a secret love,
but calls it marriage, and so shields her sin.

How sweet to lie and hear the gale
holding my mistress to my heart,
or when the rainy south wind pours
to sleep in safety from the storm.
~Albius Tibullus

We think Marsyas is the only one
who changed, stepping forth
from the forest to challenge Apollo, staring at the god
he could never rival as if
into a harshly lit mirror, each recoiling
at what he found there: the jealousy knifed
inside the mortal talent, the cold perfection
threaded through with rage.
But then the muses stirred behind them.
And Marsyas, out the painful human wish
to be admired, cannot help but play.
And afterwards, the cutting,
the stripped corpuscles, the ruined mouth—
Only after his victory would Apollo reach out
and clip three small muscles from the satyr’s throat
and shoulders, and dry them on a rock, and string them between
the curved horns of his lyre. Then the god
would pull a song
through that tender sinew, telling himself
it was not the crying of one
who’s lost everything he loves but the god’s
own singing that he heard, and after which
the muses strained, because it was the song
of someone who knew what it was like
to be alive, which the god could not bear
to know, or to stop playing.
And so Apollo, unthinking, binds himself
to Marsyas: the god taking from his rival

fear and desire, the satyr hardened by the god’s
cruel skill, until both songs
writhe inside each other, sung
by one who cannot understand death, and so
never understands what he plays,
knowing only how his hand
trembles over the plucked muscle:
adding, he thinks, something lower to the notes,
something sweeter, and infinitely strange.
~Paisley Rekdal


~Ibn Hazam

Love is like a peace sign:
It starts at the bottom;
we meet at the top;
we go down together;
and then go our separate ways...
~Kateriina Flemiing Maestre

The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work, whether we accept it or not. Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the law of nature, even so a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work greater wonders...
~Mahatma Ghandi
“The Good Fight is the one that we fight in the name of our dreams.”
~12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
~1 Timothy 6:12 King James Version (KJV)

Faith, without trouble or fighting, is a suspicious faith; for true faith is a fighting, wrestling faith.

"Fight the Good Fight
and Respect Your Sisters!
God Bless Brother
At Your Service Sister
Follow Jesus
He Knows What He's Doin'
and Remember
The Sky is Still Blue."

The Birds sang the Dawn, and the Beloved who is the Dawn awoke
And the birds ended their song and the Lover died for his Beloved in the dawn.
They asked the Lover, who is thy Beloved?
He answered. She who makes me Love,
Long, pine, weep, sigh, suffer, and die.
~Ramon Llull

The queen was wounded sorely: the deep passion
fed on her lifeblood, burnt her with secret fire,
She brooded on the hero's chivalry,
and noble birth, his face and words remained
deep in her heart, and passion wrung her limbs.
That day was the first cause of death and
anguish flame.
Now careless of her name and fame.
No long purposes a secret love,
but calls it marriage, and so shields her sin.

How sweet to lie and hear the gale
holding my mistress to my heart,
or when the rainy south wind pours
to sleep in safety from the storm.
~Albius Tibullus

We think Marsyas is the only one
who changed, stepping forth
from the forest to challenge Apollo, staring at the god
he could never rival as if
into a harshly lit mirror, each recoiling
at what he found there: the jealousy knifed
inside the mortal talent, the cold perfection
threaded through with rage.
But then the muses stirred behind them.
And Marsyas, out the painful human wish
to be admired, cannot help but play.
And afterwards, the cutting,
the stripped corpuscles, the ruined mouth—
Only after his victory would Apollo reach out
and clip three small muscles from the satyr’s throat
and shoulders, and dry them on a rock, and string them between
the curved horns of his lyre. Then the god
would pull a song
through that tender sinew, telling himself
it was not the crying of one
who’s lost everything he loves but the god’s
own singing that he heard, and after which
the muses strained, because it was the song
of someone who knew what it was like
to be alive, which the god could not bear
to know, or to stop playing.
And so Apollo, unthinking, binds himself
to Marsyas: the god taking from his rival

fear and desire, the satyr hardened by the god’s
cruel skill, until both songs
writhe inside each other, sung
by one who cannot understand death, and so
never understands what he plays,
knowing only how his hand
trembles over the plucked muscle:
adding, he thinks, something lower to the notes,
something sweeter, and infinitely strange.
~Paisley Rekdal


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