"Power isn't determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!"
"If you don't risk your life, you can't create a future. Right?"

I've learned so much along this Journey
That's because I seek those opportunities
I'm not looking for "The Party"
Not anymore.
Felt so great to be back on LionHeart.
Those bags I was carrying were like shackles
Just dragging them around
Giving those gifts and getting back on my bicycle
Was like being Free'd from my chains and Released to Fly!

I gave every bit of food and every dollar I had to that Navajo family
And even with that and the Art and the Treasures
It still wasn't enough
I'll be Eternally Grateful to them for holding onto My Dream for Me
Thanks to them I'm Flying

I Can't Stop Crying.
It Hurts but it's So Beautiful too
I wonder
If You've read this far
Can You Feel what I Feel?
Would You Want to?

The Navajo Nation is a Harsh but Beautiful Place
What it must be like to live here.
What it must have been like for people here this past century.

I Hope they had Love.
I'm Sure they did.

I Believe in these coming times this land will be on the Rise.
They've Cared for their Earth
If more folk here invest in Greenhouses
(If more folk here had the opportunity to invest in Greenhouses)
and apply modern knowledge and Green technology such as Permaculture to old ways
Then I'm quite certain The Navajo Nation can become not only completely self-reliant but also thriving
Despite the Harsh Biome.
Taken after not eating for about two days
Not sure exactly how many miles
Not enough Water either...
Thank You folk for taking the photo and for giving me that trail mix!
That was all I'd eat for the following two days as well.
The Navajo High Desert was tough.
I was sad the Navajo family had more or less rejected me
But I knew I'd be fine if I could Just get to my friends in SnowFlake.
Everything else going on is an emotional weight too
Which brings me down constantly
My Love My Ideals My Dreams
Constantly Under Attack
Pain and Confusion and Doubt

But it's also My Fight
To Not Quit
To Carry All This
To Make Sense of All This
To Find a Space of Unconditional Love
To Show other Men how They should Be
To Be an Example
To Defeat My Lower Self

I MUST Be in Control of Any and ALL Lower Urges and Wants and Hungers and Thirsts
Laziness Lust Jealousy Envy Greed
Anger Apathy

My HATE is NOT for HER

This is the Level We Need to Exist at
for Her and Every Her and Everyone really whom I can Say is in My Heart
To Care as Unconditionally as I Possibly Can.
Even when in a Space of Absolute Dark Disconnected Apathetic Hunger

Strength is Important
But what Truly Matters is How You Use it
What You'll Do with it
So in that way
Weakness is Important too
Where You Put it.
That Creates Your Destiny
That Defines Your Character

I was fortunate to come upon a Free museum of Navajo Art.
That Turquoise is so Stunning.

The Navajo are Amazing Artists.
You can make dyes from all these things!
How amazing is that!?

Masterful Hand woven Hand dyed Rugs

On the way out of the Navajo Nation
Just as I crossed their border line
Antonio and Elisha were standing outside their car waiting for me.
They thanked me for the pipes
And the other gifts
And Gave Me a Hug.

I said to Antonio,
"That necklace You Gave Me was absolutely Beautiful Antonio.
The only reason I had accepted it in the first place, the only reason I could accept it, was because I wanted to Give it to Her.
But, I wasn't able to
So You should have it back
And You should Give it to a Lady You Love.

But if I should ever return
and She's with Me
and You still have it...
Then in that case
I'd accept it back."

Antonio nodded slowly and simply said, "okay"
Then extended out his hand,
"Need Water?"
I looked down and saw the bottle.
They hadn't offered me Water before.
I'm sure they assumed I'd help myself
But they hadn't offered it
So I had Taken None.
"Yeah. I'm all out."
as I said a quick prayer
and Drank to The Navajo People.
Just a bit after I escaped from the Navajo Nation
But still very much in Desert
I heard a, "meow!"
I U-turned to find a small house cat
Hiding in the shade of some shrub
Heaving and clearly quite hot and exhausted.
I pet the feline and made friends with it
then tried to carry it with me in my front quick-bag
But it jumped out as I was riding!
I avoided running her over as she toppled on the road then ran off into the desert.
She'd Just Die out there, so I leaned my bike on a fence, crawled under the barbed wire, and chased after her.
She ran away from me at first, but didn't get far before she Just collapsed.
I picked her up, calmed her down with some pets, and placed her in the zippered bag, leaving an opening for air for her.
I rode a couple miles or so out of the desert with the cat to a truck stop which had a burger King inside.
I came up with the name Blue Bell along the way for her.
I went up to some folk having a meal and explained I had Just found a small cat in the desert and wanted to feed it in case it needs food and if anyone could spare just a scrap of meat for it.
Most of the folk just starred at me
One lady tried to hand me French Fries
I said, "Uhm, no... Cats don't eat French Fries..."
At which point the manager or someone came by and threatened to call the police and beat me up if I didn't leave.
I figured Blue Bell would have hated being stuck inside a bag but she actually didn't even want to leave when I zipped it open.
I set her in the shade on some cool stone and gave her some water, which she drank some but not enough of.
not sure how far it is to the next town of Holbrook nor really how to
get there nor if the cat is going to just die one me in the bag as I
ride and I really want to just offer it some food which I believe might
just help so I start praying.
Sure enough, a man comes up to me and offers me...
French Fries.
I thank him for the thought but tell him I'm fine I Just Need a little scrap of meat for this cat here.
Upon seeing Blue Bell, the man hands me a ten dollar bill.
I thank him and wish him a blessing as he walks away then head back inside.
The manager gives me a look but I present the ten and announce I'll be buying a sandwich, so he just walks off.
get a fish fillet, just the patty, for Blue Bell, then tear off all the
breading, and rip the fish into smaller pieces for her (and save the
breading for birds for later). I get directions from the guy at the
counter as I do this.
step back outside and present the food to Blue Bell who refuses to eat
it (of course frakk'n cat) but does have a bit more water before I zip
her back into the pannier bag and we head out.
Four stressful miles later we arrive at a Denny's.
I ask Brother Aaron inside if I can charge my phone and he has no problems.
I look up the nearby animal shelter and give them a call
I talk to Aaron a minute and mention the cat
"What color is the cat?"
"Oh, Blue Bell is a black cat.""!! I've been wanting to adopt a black cat!"
"Oh yeah? Well, come outside and meet Blue Bell!"
he does, and he seems rather excited, about both seeing my rig and the
cat, but we decide I aught to bring Blue Bell to the shelter now so she
can be taken care of, and perhaps he will adopt her from there later.
I suppose I won't know if he did end up adopting Blue Bell or not, but it was pretty cool regardless
I ride just a few blocks to the shelter and deliver Blue Bell to a man named Paul.
He immediately starts caring for her, so this seems like a good place.
With my task complete I continue through the town of Holbrook and South
This stuff is all Petrified Wood!
It's Wood but it's like a Rock!
Pretty cool stuff.
I was ready to push through the night to get to SnowFlake
But an officer actually pulled over and threatened to arrest me if I didn't stop riding and camp immediately.
At first I was a little irked, but my ankle hurt significantly and in general I try to adhere to all local laws so I complied without any sort of argument.
As I pulled my rig around his cruiser, he said,
"The last time I saw a guy on a bike come through here, he got cut in half.
I don't want to see that again."
"...Yeah. We don't want that.
Thank You Officer."
Thank You Officer.
And then...
...I was Home
This photo taken after riding about 160 miles through the desert
not eating for four days

I was on my way to the library to contact my friends the Windwalkers
and met a young man on a walk.
I was tired
but I take any opportunity to teach and/or inspire quite seriously.
Especially for the youth.
That is absolutely my vocation.

My first time here I slept outside this Mormon church.
In the morning they gave me pancakes and invited me in to service
And gave Me a Book or Mormon
Holy Scriptures!
Another Beautiful Community of People.
Tim picked me up from the wal-mart
I cried a little.
As I was pushing pushing pushing through the desert all I was thinking of was Milk and Cereal
Mary Promised me that I could always come by for a bowl of Milk and Cereal

But when a warm bowl of rice and beans and veggies was set in front of me there was no question
I ate thankfully while listening to Tim's music.

The Windwalkers are so Cool
It's such an honor to be at their table.
It's thanks to them too I've been invited into their Earthship/Homestead community and able to learn so so much Farming and Building knowledge and technique!
Check out their masterful moccasins at their website!

They're the Best!
How could I?
Justin Case...
As that's my name, after all...

I wrote it all down.
My Journals
This Digital Book
It's All a Labor of Love

So You would each Know.

So of course helping out with any work is the least I can do
And fun too!
I made a Step :D

And I'm always learning!
This is Manure Tea!
Just mix manure into water and let it sit for uhmmmmm however long
Then you have a really potent brew for your plants!
I was definitely startled at first when I saw this snek fren slitherin' 'round
But it turns out it was Just a Bull Snake.
They're apparently good to keep around because they're generally territorial and will keep Rattlesnakes at bay.
I Hope Chance enjoys the Scavenger hunt!
(There are quite a few more)
Tim Sealed that hole in my Shoe for me!
He used a rubber cement (I think) to attach two strips of fitted leather to each side of the hole.
All the activity I do gets ways more tough when every step is a rock stabbing me in the bottom of the foot.
I cannot express just how much I appreciate this Service unto me.
Tim, You are a Master at Your Craft and I Respect You Very Much.
Thank You for EVERYTHING
May The Heriots and The WindWalkers be forever Allied and at Peace
An opportunity to serve the community came by
So I was excited to take part
I carried a lot of this wood
Good Strength Training!
And learned about some table design!

I'm so excited to build my Home one day.
I'm definitely going to exercise my creativity and make a really cool and functional structure!
I hope to continue to build as I travel around
We All Need Shelter
So that's why I call that Good Work.

After working and hanging out with the WindWalkers for a couple days and Replenishing myself I headed out
I'm not leaving Just yet...
Still more learning to do!
If one has a dependably warm Greenhouse
Then You can start a Nursery!
Group a bunch of seedlings of the same type together
After they've grown...

Carefully extract them from each other one at a time
Don't rip their roots!
We're giving them each their own little pot to continue to grow in!
Be sure to carefully push the roots down into the soil
Then fill the hole
And back in the greenhouse they go
They're more or less ready to plant now
But if it gets too cold at night they'll just die
So better to keep them safe in here 'til it gets warmer out
Remember to have them sit in nutrient-rich water
Ready for Spring!
Having a Greenhouse opens up so many additional possibilities for growing!
Fruit Trees growing safely
They can get a head start in the greenhouse before being planted outside!
Depends on the time of year for the sort of crop one will grow
But with the right infrastructure
(which takes Just a little investment)
(which takes Just a little study)

One may grow Abundance!
(which takes just a lot of hard work)

Back to Mataji Kim's fields!
Last time we were here we buried compost and carbons
The red water here clogs the drip hoses each season
So they need to be pulled out and replaced
Then we hand til the soil
Afterwards we spread some nutrients atop
New drip hoses are installed!
Each are connected to a lever at the front of each bed
When the lever is open water slowly drips out of little holes cut along the line
So as to water but not drown the plants continuously

After saplings are planted in the beds they may need a shade clothe to protect them from too much sun. It helps with cold too.
When the plants have grown a bit and their roots taken hold in the soil they're much hardier
You can plant anything you want in these beds!
"Why'd You plant these flowers Mataji Kim?"
"Because they're pretty."
I found one on the ground later
Figured I'd experiment to see if it's edible.
The inner stem totally is!!
"Hey, uh, Mataji Kim. I Need some Water. My throat is, uhm, burning."
"Uh oh, are you getting sick?"
"Well I ate one of those purple flowers..."
"Those are poisonous!"
"Ah! Well. Now I know!"
Compost bed (:
LionHeart made it!

I'm so thankful to Kim and Joseph for everything I've learned from them

Just studying this design was educational enough
Being able to speak with Joseph and learn how he built this structure was such a phenomenal opportunity for me
I am so so excited to build my own home one day!
Collected rainwater
Heated by the sun to shower
Is there a better way to live?
But more than anything else
I am thankful to Joseph and Kim for having me at their table
For accepting me on their land and their fields
For feeding me and caring for me
They have been as Grandparents to Me
This is the Good Life.
Healthy Foods
Healthy Selves

Mataji Kim's recipes are All Amazing!
Experimenting and Creating Flavor is Fun!
So first you slowly pour the Lye into ice cold water
Stirring continuously
Freeze the Goat Milk beforehand
Then slowly stir that in too
The Lye partially cooks the Goat Milk so if one does not freeze it beforehand it will burn
In a pot mix all the oils together
Then slowly pour the Lye Goat Milk mixture into the pot
After blending the mixtures together very well
Let it sit for a few minutes so the chemical reaction between the Lye and Oils can take place
That chemical reaction is called Saponification!
The mixture will get pretty thick
After about 15-20 minutes blend in Borax and Sugar
Pour it into a mold!
Have plastic around the side of a wooden container so as to easily extract the soap later
Make some designs on the top then place the mold into the fridge for about an hour
After removing the soap from the fridge you'll have to let it sit for a week or two
I might try making Soap with Bamboo Art in the future...
I have a Lot of Dreams in this Place
I Love This Cabin

This cactus with the vibrant flowers are called Hedgehogs!
Green Bean trellises in the Green House
Yummy to eat fresh from the vine!
Arange the fruit on a tray and bake at lowish temperature
Around 225 degrees for about 15 minutes
Keep an eye on 'em so they don't burn!
Then just let 'em sit out
Dried Fruit :D
Thanks to Mataji Pat for the recipe!

Preserving Food is how we all used to survive the winter!
Mataji CrowKiller gave me veggie soy meat!
So I used it to cook one of my specialties...
Mom's Vegetarian Chili!
Guess who this happy fren is?

Given Everything it Needs
The Sprouts can Grow Healthy and Strong

Thank You for EVERYTHING Mataji Kim!!
You're like a Grandma to Me
I can't wait to see You and Joseph again
See You again One Day!
'Til Next Time
The Hedgehogs bloom for a magical couple of weeks here
Their Bright Red Flowers are fun to look for and spot as they contrast against the otherwise Brown and Green landscape

The flight through the Navajo High Desert was really Just that

But with this
I'm officially back on My Ride

My Ride West.

I spent a couple days in SnowFlake
Working on This
Buying My Mother some local gifts to mail home for Mother's Day
And visiting the Mormon Church again
They remembered Me from months ago!
If I Fell Now
What would happen
I Wonder
I was told a Storm was on its way

But back when I started
I'd made the Decision
To not let anything Stop Me from Doing what I Want to Do
Not Anymore

As the Rain picked up and the Winds gained Strength blowing right at me
I thought, "Oh boy. Here it comes."
Some Frustration
Just like getting over the hump of a Hill
Something within clicked,
I exclaimed as loud as I could
No one to hear but God Above and the Storm itself
Still Difficult
No longer Complaining thanks to the Joy in the Struggle
No longer Cold thanks to Body Heat
No longer Frustrated
Thanks to Looking Up
I made it through the Storm
Plenty of climbing and more Winds against Me
I made it to a nice Church
Lady of The Assumption
As Dusk set in
But then I remembered,
"Oh Yeah!
It's Mother's Day!
I gotta find WiFi!!"
After dodging cars on the narrow road and passing the lib in the dark

All that Green was Rye
Just a cover crop grown to keep the soil healthy
After being cut away it can be fed to livestockBack to Mataji Kim's fields!
Last time we were here we buried compost and carbons
The red water here clogs the drip hoses each season
So they need to be pulled out and replaced
Then we hand til the soil
Afterwards we spread some nutrients atop
New drip hoses are installed!
Each are connected to a lever at the front of each bed
When the lever is open water slowly drips out of little holes cut along the line
So as to water but not drown the plants continuously

After saplings are planted in the beds they may need a shade clothe to protect them from too much sun. It helps with cold too.
When the plants have grown a bit and their roots taken hold in the soil they're much hardier
You can plant anything you want in these beds!
"Why'd You plant these flowers Mataji Kim?"
"Because they're pretty."
I found one on the ground later
Figured I'd experiment to see if it's edible.
The inner stem totally is!!
"Hey, uh, Mataji Kim. I Need some Water. My throat is, uhm, burning."
"Uh oh, are you getting sick?"
"Well I ate one of those purple flowers..."
"Those are poisonous!"
"Ah! Well. Now I know!"
Compost bed (:
Burying cardboard is actually a great way to get carbon into the ground
LionHeart made it!

I'm so thankful to Kim and Joseph for everything I've learned from them

Just studying this design was educational enough
Being able to speak with Joseph and learn how he built this structure was such a phenomenal opportunity for me
I am so so excited to build my own home one day!
Collected rainwater
Heated by the sun to shower
Is there a better way to live?
But more than anything else
I am thankful to Joseph and Kim for having me at their table
For accepting me on their land and their fields
For feeding me and caring for me
They have been as Grandparents to Me
This is the Good Life.
Healthy Foods
Healthy Selves

Mataji Kim's recipes are All Amazing!
Experimenting and Creating Flavor is Fun!
And there's so much to Learn!
So first you slowly pour the Lye into ice cold water
Stirring continuously
Freeze the Goat Milk beforehand
Then slowly stir that in too
The Lye partially cooks the Goat Milk so if one does not freeze it beforehand it will burn
In a pot mix all the oils together
Then slowly pour the Lye Goat Milk mixture into the pot
After blending the mixtures together very well
Let it sit for a few minutes so the chemical reaction between the Lye and Oils can take place
That chemical reaction is called Saponification!
The mixture will get pretty thick
After about 15-20 minutes blend in Borax and Sugar
Pour it into a mold!
Have plastic around the side of a wooden container so as to easily extract the soap later
Make some designs on the top then place the mold into the fridge for about an hour
After removing the soap from the fridge you'll have to let it sit for a week or two
But after it cures and sets
You have Soap!
Remove it from the mold and cut it into bars!
One can also pour the soap into more intricate molds for pretty pieces of SoapYou have Soap!
Remove it from the mold and cut it into bars!
I might try making Soap with Bamboo Art in the future...
I have a Lot of Dreams in this Place
I Love This Cabin

I Love This Place
There's so much Goodness Here
Green Bean trellises in the Green House
Yummy to eat fresh from the vine!
Arange the fruit on a tray and bake at lowish temperature
Around 225 degrees for about 15 minutes
Keep an eye on 'em so they don't burn!
Then just let 'em sit out
Dried Fruit :D
Thanks to Mataji Pat for the recipe!

Preserving Food is how we all used to survive the winter!
Mataji CrowKiller gave me veggie soy meat!
So I used it to cook one of my specialties...
Mom's Vegetarian Chili!
Guess who this happy fren is?

Given Everything it Needs
The Sprouts can Grow Healthy and Strong

Thank You for EVERYTHING Mataji Kim!!
You're like a Grandma to Me
I can't wait to see You and Joseph again
I was So Blessed by You Both to have been able to Be Here and Work and Learn and Eat and Just Be.
Words can't express the impact being here had on Me
'Til Next Time
The Hedgehogs bloom for a magical couple of weeks here
Their Bright Red Flowers are fun to look for and spot as they contrast against the otherwise Brown and Green landscape

The flight through the Navajo High Desert was really Just that

But with this
I'm officially back on My Ride

My Ride West.

I spent a couple days in SnowFlake
Working on This
Buying My Mother some local gifts to mail home for Mother's Day
And visiting the Mormon Church again
They remembered Me from months ago!
If I Fell Now
What would happen
I Wonder
I was told a Storm was on its way

But back when I started
I'd made the Decision
To not let anything Stop Me from Doing what I Want to Do
Not Anymore

As the Rain picked up and the Winds gained Strength blowing right at me
I thought, "Oh boy. Here it comes."
Some Frustration
Just like getting over the hump of a Hill
Something within clicked,
I exclaimed as loud as I could
No one to hear but God Above and the Storm itself
Still Difficult
No longer Complaining thanks to the Joy in the Struggle
No longer Cold thanks to Body Heat
No longer Frustrated
Thanks to Looking Up
Plenty of climbing and more Winds against Me
I made it to a nice Church
Lady of The Assumption
As Dusk set in
But then I remembered,
"Oh Yeah!
It's Mother's Day!
I gotta find WiFi!!"
With doubling back a little over three miles
I made it Justin Time as My Mother was going to bed
We got to video chat on the FBs for a bit
That meant a lot
I sent home a nice care package the next day
Local Jelly and Honey
Chocolate from the Mormons
Crispy Hexagons from Mataji Pat!
Pumpkin Pie Almond Butter (My Recipe—from Mataji Kim!)
Some Plant Nutrients too!
A cool AZ magnet
Some other stuff too (;
Then it was up a Mountain
Into the Coconino
When I stop to Rest or when I Camp
I'm always looking for Beautiful or Interesting sights and stuffs
I climbed under a fence and went for a walk in this forest here and harvested some Crystallized Pine Sap
It smells lovely and makes a great gift for folk so I like to pick it up with the intention of passing it out
To Give Back I spent about ten minutes picking up garbage
I aim for plastics and aluminum as those add environment damaging chemicals into the soil as they break down
I also Hydrated some Trees heehee

Prayers are most certainly also Important
I didn't realize I had a Mountain to climb!

If You ask Me
Any ride that includes 2,000 ft of elevation climb or more is a Mountain
Though I guess if it's Just very Hilly the Elevation factor of an actual Mountain doesn't come in
Tough Ride
But I kept pushin'
And the Beauty of the Landscape always keeps me goin'

I made it!
The Mogollon Rim!
Glorious Downhill!!!
I was actually trying to Fast for this ride
I was trying to push myself all the way to Sedona
At a certain point I broke down and ate a few handfuls of Trail Mix
I can't See what's going on in there
I Want to Just intake what I Need for My Body
So when I have an Emotional Breakdown and scarf any amount of Food down It Is Weakness
Up or Down
Wind with Me or not
Having a Shoulder or not makes a huge difference
My Goal for the day was Star Valley
Having that Goal keeps me Pushing even when it's dangerous
But I kept going to Payson so I could wake up at the library and walk in to work on This
Typed and Edited and Typed All Day
Thanks for having me at your camp Mataji Christine and Sister!
I'm Grateful for the Opportunity to help you two <3
The stress upon my knees from this Journey has been adding up
Must Take Care
Knowledge is Power!
I Know the Good News!
I don't really have the funds to be going to restaurants to eat
But every now and then I see a place that just looks so lovely I gotta check it out
Here's a snippet of my diet
As many healthy veggies as possible
Enjoyed some lovely Tea here.
I Never drink Soda (unless it's Foxon Park, with Pizza. Ah, Childhood)
I was offered more dressing, but shifted the offer to more tomato instead (;
No sugar added yogurt—probiotics are super important for gut flora
I mixed Turmeric, flax seeds, and a little Ashwagandha powder into an almond/cashew butter mixture and had that with banan and a piece of bread
Fruit, Nut, and Grain are my staples!
I avoid the nut butters with added sugar and hydrogenated oils, opt for fresh fruit over jellies/jams, and choose seedy whole grain breads with little to no preservatives over white stuff, if I have bread at all.
That little treat in the back was Given as a Gift
Gotta avoid sugar as much as possible, but can't say no to that!
I Love visiting cafes in my travels
I Love seeing the different decor and energy of a place
One Day I Hope to Open and Run my own!
That's Food Plan Level Three: Café Risotto!
Who knows if I'll get there or not in my Life
I could Die tomorrow
Pretty easily with how I'm Living
(Sorry to Worry you Mom)
Local Jelly and Honey
Chocolate from the Mormons
Crispy Hexagons from Mataji Pat!
Pumpkin Pie Almond Butter (My Recipe—from Mataji Kim!)
Some Plant Nutrients too!
A cool AZ magnet
Some other stuff too (;
Then it was up a Mountain
Into the Coconino
When I stop to Rest or when I Camp
I'm always looking for Beautiful or Interesting sights and stuffs
I climbed under a fence and went for a walk in this forest here and harvested some Crystallized Pine Sap
It smells lovely and makes a great gift for folk so I like to pick it up with the intention of passing it out
To Give Back I spent about ten minutes picking up garbage
I aim for plastics and aluminum as those add environment damaging chemicals into the soil as they break down
I also Hydrated some Trees heehee

Prayers are most certainly also Important
I didn't realize I had a Mountain to climb!

If You ask Me
Any ride that includes 2,000 ft of elevation climb or more is a Mountain
Though I guess if it's Just very Hilly the Elevation factor of an actual Mountain doesn't come in
Tough Ride
But I kept pushin'
And the Beauty of the Landscape always keeps me goin'

I made it!
Glorious Downhill!!!
I was trying to push myself all the way to Sedona
At a certain point I broke down and ate a few handfuls of Trail Mix
I can't See what's going on in there
I Want to Just intake what I Need for My Body
So when I have an Emotional Breakdown and scarf any amount of Food down It Is Weakness
Up or Down
Wind with Me or not
Having a Shoulder or not makes a huge difference
My Goal for the day was Star Valley
Having that Goal keeps me Pushing even when it's dangerous
But I kept going to Payson so I could wake up at the library and walk in to work on This
Typed and Edited and Typed All Day
Thanks for having me at your camp Mataji Christine and Sister!
I'm Grateful for the Opportunity to help you two <3
The stress upon my knees from this Journey has been adding up
Must Take Care
Knowledge is Power!
I Know the Good News!
I don't really have the funds to be going to restaurants to eat
But every now and then I see a place that just looks so lovely I gotta check it out
Here's a snippet of my diet
As many healthy veggies as possible
Enjoyed some lovely Tea here.
I Never drink Soda (unless it's Foxon Park, with Pizza. Ah, Childhood)
I was offered more dressing, but shifted the offer to more tomato instead (;
No sugar added yogurt—probiotics are super important for gut flora
I mixed Turmeric, flax seeds, and a little Ashwagandha powder into an almond/cashew butter mixture and had that with banan and a piece of bread
Fruit, Nut, and Grain are my staples!
I avoid the nut butters with added sugar and hydrogenated oils, opt for fresh fruit over jellies/jams, and choose seedy whole grain breads with little to no preservatives over white stuff, if I have bread at all.
That little treat in the back was Given as a Gift
Gotta avoid sugar as much as possible, but can't say no to that!
I Love visiting cafes in my travels
I Love seeing the different decor and energy of a place
One Day I Hope to Open and Run my own!
That's Food Plan Level Three: Café Risotto!
Who knows if I'll get there or not in my Life
I could Die tomorrow
Pretty easily with how I'm Living
(Sorry to Worry you Mom)
But this is how I Want to Live
For now, at least
While I can, at least
And it's Tough and it's Painful at times
But it's Awesome and Amazing too
And I don't think I could Give it up
Not 'til I'm Done, at least
Not even for Her
Of course I don't Want to Travel Alone for the indefinite Future
I met a Brother who'd been alone for Nine Years
I'm pretty sure I'd lose My Mind long before then
The Bicycle is by far The Best
But there's so many other ways to travel!
I've got a few ideas up my sleeve
Food Plan Level Two:
Grilled Nut Butter and Jelly Food Truck!
The point isn't Just Food Truck it's Travel via Food Truck
Rather than deal with permits of different states and cities
(which would actually make traveling via Food Truck impossible)
We can Just set up downtown real quick at Lunch Time and Keep Moving
If we get run off or even fined by police we Just leave the City and go to the next one
The "Pay What You Feel it's Worth" set up is Perfect
(Would also help us escape law enforcement as we could argue we're technically not "Selling" anything as it's by Donation)
People that Have can Give, people that Don't We Give to, and We Spread a Powerful Message too
We don't Need much Just enough to drive to the next place and keep stock
We can Feed Ourselves at Overstocked Food Pantries and Select Soup Kitchens
Trade Art to supplement costs and get stuff that We Just Want and/or to have Fun
Rescue Food if I have too (I'm damn good at that)
Effective use of Couchsurfing.com would provide all the comforts We'd Need in between Rubber Tramping/Camping
We could also sign up as Food Vendors at Music Festivals and any other cool events we want to attend.

Imagine a Rainbow Painted Van
Not one of those $10,000 custom built ones
Just a Normal Van/Wagon
Made to Stand-Out and display our Delicious Business
The back outfitted to Live in
Hook-up a fridge to the car battery
We can Grill the Nut Butter+Jellies on Just a normal open Charcoal Grill


I think about this stuff a lot, y'know!
I get a lotta Time to think riding that bike.
And that's another thing I am incredibly Thankful for.
If I'm Doing something Wrong I Honestly don't know What it is
If You Call to Him With Your Heart
He Will Answer
I Just gotta Keep Going
That's All I Know
That's All I Understand
I Just gotta get to The Coast
Come on Heart
You can Hold out 'til then
You Have to
You Have to.
I Just gotta get to that Moment
That Moment when She Takes My Hand.
This town just has Wild Elk chillin' out!
I tried to feed 'em but they Just looked at me and ran off
Thank You both so much again Jimmy and Kate of Bandits Tavern!
You are both Awesome and I promise I'll send You that photo of the cup holder when I can and return one day to visit and share a drink with y'all

If you're traveling through Strawberry, AZ be sure to stop in at the Bandits Tavern and Restaurant and say hi! Great place!

Another Mountain to climb!
I never did get to that Corner in Winslow, Arizona

People tell me if it's meant to be it'll be

But it's My Love
My Romance


Even if God knows Everything I'm gonna do ahead of time and it's all actually out of my control and I'm Just another Raindrop in a River and it doesn't make sense in my head and I'm going to have to be alone I made a decision and I'm going to see that through to the end

What is going to happen
When You read this?

"Yeah... I read your... Book.
Listen, I'm Just not into You, okay?
I Want a guy that can suspend himself from a pole hanging out of a plane.
Cardio is cool or whatever, but you're too lower body strong, not enough pecks.
Just, leave me alone already.
I never want to see you again."

Maybe it'd be something like that
Or maybe You'd be kinder
More open to Friendship
Me as a Brother
Which I can Accept

...because I have to.
But if we traveled like that
I Hope You know already that I'd Die for You
I wouldn't even hesitate I'd Die for You.

But if we traveled like that
And You met some other guy and wanted to go off with him
I Know I wouldn't be able to stop You.
Obviously I know that already.
But He'd have to get through Me.

Both of Us.
Both of Us.

And that's All I'm gonna say...

I have less respect for property laws when there's no Stewardship of The Land going on but rather Exploitation
So I was about to sneak into this mine to get some cool Gypsum
But it turns out there was a bunch right outside the gate!
So rather than risk trespassing I Just picked up some of that
Never seen this pokey boi before!

This sort of cactus grows very hard hooked spines!
They actually make great toothpicks
Wouldn't want to touch one of these too fast haha
I Want Control in My Life
But I Wonder
Do I Want too much Control in my life?

Maybe our Minds are better suited to our Work
Maybe Huge Life Choices are better left to God

This Journey is most certainly a Gift
But didn't I Choose this?

When Do We Surrender?
When Do We Apply Our Will?

If I have no Control
Or if I Surrender too much
Am I Even Me?
Well I've kind of concluded
When Traveling and Dealing with New Folk
It is most certainly better to Surrender to the Will of God as much as possible
But in our own Lives
Our Families and close friends and Our Loved Ones
That is Our Life and We Have every Right to make Our Own Decisions
So I try to Listen
I try to Pray and Understand what The Lord would have me Do
What Would Jesus Do?

What Would I Do?

What Would My Best Self Do?
The Man I Want to Be.

Maybe I Don't Know

Maybe I'm Still figuring that Out
Every Day

Maybe that's Part of What This Is

But I know my Choices are Determined by Who I Am
And Who I Am is Determined by how I Choose to Build MySelf

I met a traveling Sister
We hit it off!

Thank You again Martin for Shelter from The Storm

I invited Sister to join Me
She Needs Shelter too

And I'm so fucking lonely it Hurts and it won't Stop

Thank You again Martin for not Judging Me
Us, that is.

If You must know
We explored the nearby Wash and gathered Rocks and watched the Sunset
I found my Dad's Father's Day Gift down here!

Then I cooked for us a pretty amazing Stir-fry and we prayed together
I held Her Hand and cried and shared my Journals and Poetry and invited her to come to Bastion one day and live there or at least visit as long she wants

Then I slept on the floor
Check out my new Instagram!
Indian Power PB!
Pea/Lentil Protein Powder
Dried Dates
Your Favorite Trail Mix (Optional)

Thanks for the idea Sister
And for the pleasant Evening
And thanks again for the Peanut Butter!

I must be Grateful
For this Opportunity to Show and Prove My Love
Camp Verde is a pretty cool little town
And Beautiful!
With The Storm passed I headed out
To Sedona at last
Sister was also going to Sedona
She offered to drive me in her Van
But I've got to Ride my own Ride

Sister and I agreed to meet up in Sedona
It was cool having a partner
And helping a Sister Safely Land in a new place is the Best Thing I can Do with My Will.
Didn't stay long among the Apache
But I'm glad they're doin' alright
I stopped to check out the Statue
I left with Tears in My Eyes
It's such a struggle to be Positive despite Sadness
To Maintain Hope through Struggle

Despite Evidence and Odds
But that's Exactly What Faith is.
I was saying a blessing over my water as I cruised down a hill
And upon my Right I saw a couple in Embrace as the sunset
I didn't want to Just *click* *clak* by them during their moment
(Front tire Needs a Truing)
So I said,
"God Bless y'all!"
As I sped past.

Whenever I drank from my Enchanted Water then on
I thought of that Beautiful Moment I was Blessed to have witnessed

I'll get there one day
And I'll appreciate that Love and Togetherness All the More
For having been through All This
And I'm Thankful for That.
I Am So So Thankful for That.
For now, at least
While I can, at least
And it's Tough and it's Painful at times
But it's Awesome and Amazing too
And I don't think I could Give it up
Not 'til I'm Done, at least
Not even for Her
Of course I don't Want to Travel Alone for the indefinite Future
I met a Brother who'd been alone for Nine Years
I'm pretty sure I'd lose My Mind long before then
The Bicycle is by far The Best
But there's so many other ways to travel!
I've got a few ideas up my sleeve
Food Plan Level Two:
Grilled Nut Butter and Jelly Food Truck!
The point isn't Just Food Truck it's Travel via Food Truck
Rather than deal with permits of different states and cities
(which would actually make traveling via Food Truck impossible)
We can Just set up downtown real quick at Lunch Time and Keep Moving
If we get run off or even fined by police we Just leave the City and go to the next one
The "Pay What You Feel it's Worth" set up is Perfect
(Would also help us escape law enforcement as we could argue we're technically not "Selling" anything as it's by Donation)
People that Have can Give, people that Don't We Give to, and We Spread a Powerful Message too
We don't Need much Just enough to drive to the next place and keep stock
We can Feed Ourselves at Overstocked Food Pantries and Select Soup Kitchens
Trade Art to supplement costs and get stuff that We Just Want and/or to have Fun
Rescue Food if I have too (I'm damn good at that)
Effective use of Couchsurfing.com would provide all the comforts We'd Need in between Rubber Tramping/Camping
We could also sign up as Food Vendors at Music Festivals and any other cool events we want to attend.

Imagine a Rainbow Painted Van
Not one of those $10,000 custom built ones
Just a Normal Van/Wagon
Made to Stand-Out and display our Delicious Business
The back outfitted to Live in
Hook-up a fridge to the car battery
We can Grill the Nut Butter+Jellies on Just a normal open Charcoal Grill
We could get local Jellies and Fresh Bread from local Bakeries as we Travel
And My Custom Nut Butter Mixtures (;
imagine a colorful chalk board that's changing all the time with
different Breads, different Jellies, and different Nut Butters (with
exotic choices like Pumpkin Pie Almond Butter for example) to choose
from, and optional extras, such as banans, apples, or cheese.
It'd be So Much Fun!
I already have all the Skills!
This would totally Work!
No we wouldn't get Rich but who Cares our Cost of Living would be Extraordinarily Low we pretty much only have to pay for the Business (Truck Movement+Food+Supplies) and maybe some Vendor fees now and then.
If they're reasonable
otherwise we Just Keep Driving
Living an AdventureTogether.

I think about this stuff a lot, y'know!
I get a lotta Time to think riding that bike.
And that's another thing I am incredibly Thankful for.
If I'm Doing something Wrong I Honestly don't know What it is
If You Call to Him With Your Heart
He Will Answer
I Just gotta Keep Going
That's All I Know
That's All I Understand
I Just gotta get to The Coast
Come on Heart
You can Hold out 'til then
You Have to
You Have to.
I Just gotta get to that Moment
That Moment when She Takes My Hand.
This town just has Wild Elk chillin' out!
I tried to feed 'em but they Just looked at me and ran off
Thank You both so much again Jimmy and Kate of Bandits Tavern!
You are both Awesome and I promise I'll send You that photo of the cup holder when I can and return one day to visit and share a drink with y'all

If you're traveling through Strawberry, AZ be sure to stop in at the Bandits Tavern and Restaurant and say hi! Great place!

Another Mountain to climb!

People tell me if it's meant to be it'll be

But it's My Love
My Romance


Even if God knows Everything I'm gonna do ahead of time and it's all actually out of my control and I'm Just another Raindrop in a River and it doesn't make sense in my head and I'm going to have to be alone I made a decision and I'm going to see that through to the end

What is going to happen
When You read this?

"Yeah... I read your... Book.
Listen, I'm Just not into You, okay?
I Want a guy that can suspend himself from a pole hanging out of a plane.
Cardio is cool or whatever, but you're too lower body strong, not enough pecks.
Just, leave me alone already.
I never want to see you again."

Maybe it'd be something like that
Or maybe You'd be kinder
More open to Friendship
Me as a Brother
Which I can Accept

...because I have to.
But if we traveled like that
I Hope You know already that I'd Die for You
I wouldn't even hesitate I'd Die for You.

But if we traveled like that
And You met some other guy and wanted to go off with him
I Know I wouldn't be able to stop You.
Obviously I know that already.
But He'd have to get through Me.

Both of Us.
Both of Us.

And that's All I'm gonna say...

I have less respect for property laws when there's no Stewardship of The Land going on but rather Exploitation
So I was about to sneak into this mine to get some cool Gypsum
But it turns out there was a bunch right outside the gate!
So rather than risk trespassing I Just picked up some of that
Cool Stuff!

This sort of cactus grows very hard hooked spines!
They actually make great toothpicks
Wouldn't want to touch one of these too fast haha
I Want Control in My Life
But I Wonder
Do I Want too much Control in my life?

Maybe our Minds are better suited to our Work
Maybe Huge Life Choices are better left to God

This Journey is most certainly a Gift
But didn't I Choose this?

When Do We Surrender?
When Do We Apply Our Will?

If I have no Control
Or if I Surrender too much
Am I Even Me?
Well I've kind of concluded
When Traveling and Dealing with New Folk
It is most certainly better to Surrender to the Will of God as much as possible
But in our own Lives
Our Families and close friends and Our Loved Ones
That is Our Life and We Have every Right to make Our Own Decisions
So I try to Listen
I try to Pray and Understand what The Lord would have me Do
What Would Jesus Do?

What Would I Do?

What Would My Best Self Do?
The Man I Want to Be.

Maybe I Don't Know

Maybe I'm Still figuring that Out
Every Day

Maybe that's Part of What This Is

But I know my Choices are Determined by Who I Am
And Who I Am is Determined by how I Choose to Build MySelf

I met a traveling Sister
We hit it off!

Thank You again Martin for Shelter from The Storm

I invited Sister to join Me
She Needs Shelter too

And I'm so fucking lonely it Hurts and it won't Stop

Thank You again Martin for not Judging Me
Us, that is.

If You must know
We explored the nearby Wash and gathered Rocks and watched the Sunset
I found my Dad's Father's Day Gift down here!

Then I cooked for us a pretty amazing Stir-fry and we prayed together
I held Her Hand and cried and shared my Journals and Poetry and invited her to come to Bastion one day and live there or at least visit as long she wants

Then I slept on the floor
Check out my new Instagram!
Indian Power PB!
Pea/Lentil Protein Powder
Dried Dates
Your Favorite Trail Mix (Optional)

Thanks for the idea Sister
And for the pleasant Evening
And thanks again for the Peanut Butter!

I must be Grateful
For this Opportunity to Show and Prove My Love
Camp Verde is a pretty cool little town
And Beautiful!
With The Storm passed I headed out
To Sedona at last
Sister was also going to Sedona
She offered to drive me in her Van
But I've got to Ride my own Ride

Sister and I agreed to meet up in Sedona
It was cool having a partner
And helping a Sister Safely Land in a new place is the Best Thing I can Do with My Will.
Didn't stay long among the Apache
But I'm glad they're doin' alright
I stopped to check out the Statue
I left with Tears in My Eyes
It's such a struggle to be Positive despite Sadness
To Maintain Hope through Struggle

Despite Evidence and Odds
But that's Exactly What Faith is.
I was saying a blessing over my water as I cruised down a hill
And upon my Right I saw a couple in Embrace as the sunset
I didn't want to Just *click* *clak* by them during their moment
(Front tire Needs a Truing)
So I said,
"God Bless y'all!"
As I sped past.

Whenever I drank from my Enchanted Water then on
I thought of that Beautiful Moment I was Blessed to have witnessed

I'll get there one day
And I'll appreciate that Love and Togetherness All the More
For having been through All This
And I'm Thankful for That.
I Am So So Thankful for That.
It was good to hang with you at the post office in cottonwood. Thank you for allowing me to visit you're Blog
ReplyDeleteplease stay in touch charles.chick53@gmail.com
One moment at a time with as much joy, kindness and compassion as I can muster one moment at a time. It's all just temporary.