And if you get all seven Chaos Emeralds
And pick up the Tow-Rope
And obtain every Aeon
And Save Nanami
And Save Nanami
And do your daily push-ups enough so that you at least don't Fall to Your Death
And Choose Love Above All Else
And Learn to Listen
You Unlock This Ending
The Train ride Home was Lovely and Restful
I probably slept more than half the time
And was at last able to Recover from what Food Poisoning had Ailed me
And had plenty of Time and Peace to Express some of my backed up Thoughts and Emotions too
Oh How I Love the Train
Definitely my Second favorite Mode of Travel!
I don't think I've ever been this Emotionally Exhausted in my Life
Physically I'm fine though haha if a bit Sore
So Despite how much I Love and have Missed My Room My Bed My Dog
I headed out after a couple days of Rest and Prep
There is a Place I Need to Be
From I-91 Southbound you get off Exit 6
(If Northbound Exit )

When you reach the stop sign from the exit ramp take a Right
If there's someone there Be Sure to stop and Give something they Need
Food, hand warmers, gloves, plastic poncho, etc.
(If Northbound Exit )

When you reach the stop sign from the exit ramp take a Right
If there's someone there Be Sure to stop and Give something they Need
Food, hand warmers, gloves, plastic poncho, etc.
Folk are camped out in the Woods nearby here
No one ever used to be...
Take a Right onto Mitchell Drive when you get to East Rock School
I almost attended this School
But I won some lottery and got to go to Worthington Hooker instead
OR You can go Straight here and stop in at Archie Moore's!
Best Wings in the State!
Best Wings in the State!
Either way
Take a Right onto Orange Street
And No I didn't Name the Roads
Drive Straight to the end and Standing Directly before You is
East Rock
East Rock
Take a Right onto English
Enjoy the Windy Scenic Road
There are many Hidden Treasures for those on Foot
Magical Beautiful Places that those who Do Not Step out of their Cars will Never See or Experience
Now You are Entering The Woods of My Childhood
This was my back yard as a Child
I Grew Up Exploring this area
Back then
I knew these Woods like the Back of My Hand
This is Rice Field
We lived on the second floor of the White House in the Distance
Drive until you go around a curve and this comes into view
Drive until you go around a curve and this comes into view
Then Park anywhere
Turn around and walk back to the curve here
That's The Trail there.
Map in Case You're Lost
Follow the Trail Straight until You come to this Fork
Take a Left and climb the Stairs
Keep on Climbin'
Until You at Last Arrive to the Feet of...
The Giant Steps
Though not so Giant compared to the Colorado Rocky Mountains I was Just Exploring
When I was a Child
This was My Mountain
I paused a moment here to Pray and Give Thanks for My Life
My Journey
My Path
And The Me that has Been Created from Everything
No Words can express The Beauty
All I could do was Feel and Cry
All I could do was Feel and Cry
I Hope You Enjoy Your Ascent As Well
Like an Old Friend Cheering Me On
I stood in my corner
with No one at all
Never Having
Time for them all
Figured I'd Stay Here
'til My Great Fall
See who shows up
Or at least Gives a Call
I long and I worry
But got No where to Go
Pushin' myself to the limit
yet got nothin' to show
What'm I doin' wrong?
I don't even know
Hope I've at least proven
That I'll Never Let You Go
Every Night Hear Me Prayin'
Lord, Deliver Me from My Woe
How long will it be
'til You Give Me My Co
You locked The Door
And took away my key
I'm trying to earn it back
Oh why can't You See
My Desire for Sisters in Life
Is what set Me Free
Along with my simple ambition
To pursue and accomplish My Dream
Must I Give it All?
My Love, My Life, My Knee
Before You leave Me in The Cold
At least Know what We could Be
Why should My Virtue
At All Interfere
With the Love I Have to Give
And the Life I Want to Build around that
What is so unacceptable about My Way?
What is so Offensive about my Expression?
What is so Offensive about my Expression?
When one is left alone in Darkness
It is a place of Bitterness
I Figured out
How to Protect My Love and Care
In that space
No Expectations nor Demands
Commit to the Struggle
As far as I Need to Go
So I Will Honor My Love
So I can Love as Unconditionally as Possible
So I can BE Who I Want to BE
So I can Give to the One I Love
So I can Be Free
So I'm carrying that
Through this space I've been placed in
I REFUSE to Lose this Love
I REFUSE to Fall
I KNOW I can Help a Woman I Love
I WILL NOT allow anything to change My Path.
I Will Wait.
I Will Fight.
I Will Pray.
I Will Cry.
I Will Carry this Love.
What could be more important than this?
One can See this Tower from just about anywhere in the City/vicinity
To Me it is a Beacon
A Symbol of Home and Safety
A Bastion
There's a Lovely Field and Park area up here too
Once Upon a Time
I was going to Get Married Here
There's the other Half in the Distance
West Rock
Millennia ago they were One
But an Iceberg and Tectonic Plate movements split them in Two and moved them apart
That's Southern Connecticut State University just underneath
Where I studied to be an Elementary Educator
The most Joyous Years of My Life
Thanks to My Former Fiancee
She Saved Me from my Self for many Years
We Existed quite Happily in our little Turtle Shell Together
It was Safe and Comfortable in there but there was No Growth
In Those Days I had yet to even Explore the Downtown area of my Own City
We Both began to slowly come out of Our Shell and Separate at The Same Time
Going Down Different Paths as We Discovered other Worlds and our Ability to interact with them
I had always been more of an introverted recluse
Scared of People and The World
And The Demons therein
Content with my Digital Adventures and Illusionary Graphic Love
Though it was only Light on a Screen
Shining onto my Eyes
It Felt Real
And those years in My Room
Saving Fictional Worlds and Loving Girls that Don't Exist
Saving Fictional Worlds and Loving Girls that Don't Exist
Helped Craft Me into Who I Am
Someone who is Trying to Save the Real World
And Loves Girls that most Definitely Exist
My Youth would soon Fade
As it shall for us All
And there were So So many things I Still Wanted to Experience
So So many things I Still Wanted to See
So So many things I Still Wanted to BE
I Realized if I didn't Go for it Soon
A Bicycle Ride from Coast to Coast
Then it'd likely Never Come to Be
There's not much more I Want now
Than to Just have my Sisters in My Life
Protect and Guide them along their Path
Create Art and Music and Food and Love
And Go On Splendid Adventures Together
I Am At Last Who I Want to Be
Now I Want
To Be Me with the People that I Hold Dear to Me
To Be Me with the People that I Hold Dear to Me
I Need to Complete My Journey too
But without My Sisters' Love and Support
I don't know if I even Can
So This is Where I'll Be
I'm going to Walk Right Back Here after I Click Publish
And I'm going to Wait Here in The Cold All Day All Night
I'm not gonna bring any Food or Water
Just some Warm Weather Gear and a couple things for a Fire
And Journal and Pens and a Book
And I'm going to Wait Here for You.
I Believe in You.
Come Christmas Day I Hope to Be with My Family
And Just like You Have in Years Past
I Believe You'll Bring Me to Them.