So in the last month or two I have not really been putting any time or energy into my blog here. That is mostly because Life and Living got even crazier than what it normally is living on a bicycle and I just honestly did not have the time/energy to spare. I'm going to try to continue updating my blog, but I'd definitely like it to change its form, as it always is. Not sure how \:
As an unrelated side note—my blog apparently gets more traffic from Russia than from the USA, which confuses me because I've never been to Russia nor am I passing out my blog to Russian citizens. If you are in Russia and reading this, I'd Love to hear about how you found this! Let me know!
My adventures in Carbondale continued.
Though I started reflecting on where I was going
What I was doing
And the impact I was having and wanted to have on My World
What I was doing
And the impact I was having and wanted to have on My World
That reflection brought me here
A march for Sexual Assault awareness on the campus of Southern Illinois University’s campus.
Here's their facebook page:
Awareness of this issue really needs to increase
This is just one campus
But this is a nation-wide problem
But this is a nation-wide problem
Perhaps the problem is woven into our culture
But we're also moving forward.
Just think about where we were just like 50 years ago!
But we're also moving forward.
Just think about where we were just like 50 years ago!
I don't feel this sign is good enough
How about lights and patrols and an emergency call box for starters?
How about lights and patrols and an emergency call box for starters?
Being part of a march/protest/demonstration is an empowering experience
I encourage everyone to get out and give it a go if you ever hear of one that embodies an issue that is important to you!
I encourage everyone to get out and give it a go if you ever hear of one that embodies an issue that is important to you!
After walking around campus everyone marched into the Board meeting
It was pretty badass!
It was pretty badass!
And here are two videos of all that:
Here's one of the campaigns of the group.
I'm thankful I was able to be a part of it, however small.
I'm thankful I was able to be a part of it, however small.
The issue is ongoing so feel free to write and mail a letter if you feel so moved.
I guess I'm getting pretty good on my harmonica
I made enough money for a bus ride home!
I made enough money for a bus ride home!
I really Loved The Yoga House and really enjoyed my time there.
I left in my usual spontaneous way
I hope I cleaned up enough though
I left in my usual spontaneous way
I hope I cleaned up enough though
Thanks to some fellow travelers I met
I found myself a bed in their Awesome DIY-Punk House
I found myself a bed in their Awesome DIY-Punk House
I Love being surrounded by Art
That sort of environment just directly contributes to me feeling inspired
That sort of environment just directly contributes to me feeling inspired
As far as expression goes
I prefer positivity that gives way to good vibrations
But I thought this was really funny

I wanted to stay here longer
But I had to get home.
But I thought this was really funny
I wanted to stay here longer
But I had to get home.
And that's it.
Then I took a bus home from Chicago, and now I'm home. I made it Justin Time for Christmas, the evening of the 24th. That was a good day.
The End? Well, not exactly, but it certainly feels like the closing of a chapter.
So why'd I turn around? There's a lot of reasons actually, and it sure ain't simple.
Even though I don't actually want to, I suppose I feel the obligation to explain why I came back here, at least partially. If you've read this far then you deserve to know the ending. Especially if you're following me from Russia.
The End? Well, not exactly, but it certainly feels like the closing of a chapter.
So why'd I turn around? There's a lot of reasons actually, and it sure ain't simple.
Even though I don't actually want to, I suppose I feel the obligation to explain why I came back here, at least partially. If you've read this far then you deserve to know the ending. Especially if you're following me from Russia.
Due to my knee
hurting, I had to stop moving. Also,
with winter approaching and my regrettable realization that I was not
prepared for the cold nor did I escape it, I didn't feel that
continuing South on the bicycle was possible. So I had two choices:
Stay in Carbondale, or head home for the holidays. Spending
time in Carbondale I met a lot of people, made a lot of friends,
found that I could totally live there and be happy, and hopefully
even helped some people. But at some point, it hit me. Despite all
the awesome people I met, I realized that no one could replace all My
Loved ones that I had left behind. Every day is a gift, and as all of
their Worlds spun around without me a part of it, I started thinking
about what I was really
giving up for this Journey. I
had a thought that, if the World ended just then, I would only feel
regret that I was not with my family and other Loved ones.
it was at that point that my Journey ended.
I spent a lot of time thinking about it. I didn't want to stop my adventure. Turning around felt like giving up. All one needs to do is read just about any other blog post to see just how important this endeavor is to me. Just how much of myself I've put into it. I've learned though that stubborn pride only gets appendages broken, so while it wasn't easy, I let go of this dream, because I couldn't let go of any more people.
I rode my bicycle nearly 3,800 miles. I broke my arm. My ego was broken down and rebuilt more times than I care to remember. I've met amazing people, made stupendous friends, and hopefully helped some people along my path. I encountered the Infinite Love of The Universe. I found my Home. I experienced Peace. I learned how to calm my Mind through meditation. I learned all sorts of different ways to express my ideas and emotions. I have felt more alive than I ever imagined or understood and my entire being, my entire world-view, my entire perspective of reality and life is forever changed.
I spent a lot of time thinking about it. I didn't want to stop my adventure. Turning around felt like giving up. All one needs to do is read just about any other blog post to see just how important this endeavor is to me. Just how much of myself I've put into it. I've learned though that stubborn pride only gets appendages broken, so while it wasn't easy, I let go of this dream, because I couldn't let go of any more people.
I rode my bicycle nearly 3,800 miles. I broke my arm. My ego was broken down and rebuilt more times than I care to remember. I've met amazing people, made stupendous friends, and hopefully helped some people along my path. I encountered the Infinite Love of The Universe. I found my Home. I experienced Peace. I learned how to calm my Mind through meditation. I learned all sorts of different ways to express my ideas and emotions. I have felt more alive than I ever imagined or understood and my entire being, my entire world-view, my entire perspective of reality and life is forever changed.
now I'm at home. I got back
just in time for Christmas, the night of the 24th.
I've been making sense of everything that happened ever since. Every
single day was an adventure. Every single day had a lesson. I grew
and changed so much, I don't even recognize myself any more. It's nice
being here. Old habits are comforting, even if the sugar and calories
of a midnight cookie snack are not conducive to my ideal healthy
lifestyle and cause me more guilt than it's worth. Another part of
coming home was that I wanted
to slow down. I want to see how this guy I am now does. Have I grown
enough? Have I changed
enough? Am I good enough?
all the accomplishments I listed above, I know in My Heart that I did
not make
it. I'm trying to remind myself of everything I gained, but I can't
bringing myself down for retreating. I had a goal and I failed.
That's just the truth of it. I do want to get back on my bike and try
again. I don't see how I can let it go. But I'm also not sure how I
can get out there again if My Heart just isn't in it... I've seen
and learned so much and there is so much more I want to do now in
life than ride my bicycle alone in the Woods. After all those months,
I'm quite weary of being alone. Ideally, I'm hoping to find some
adventure partners. I never said I'd do it alone (; But who's gonna
wanna ride their bike into the sunset with me?
So, Time Will Tell. I
can say that I cannot see a future for myself here in Connecticut.
This will always be my Home, but I can't live the way I want to live
here (cost of living is WAY too high and there are no bike trails).
Plus, I've really really fallen in Love with traveling. I don't want
to stop! I just want to do it a little differently. I sort of
expect/plan that
come Spring/Summer my folks' will have driven me crazy enough
that I won't miss them for a while and
my ties will all be at an acceptable “To Be Continued...” point and
The Road will just call me again and maybe somebody cool will come
along. 'Til
then, I've got to get ready. My money is all gone, so I should
probably get some of that, but I feel working on road skills are more
important. I'm trying to seriously study music (so I can make money
busking). I'm working with wood (so I can make money selling things
I make as I travel).
And of course I'm trying to
eat right and stay active and I plan on taking some Krav Maga
classes once I get the monthly fee together.
These blocks have a lot of meaning to me and my family.
I actually came back for a bunch of other reasons too
But despite my best efforts
I can't put every little detail of my life and my introspections up here
(Just look at that block of text up there haha).
But my blog is what it is
My attempts at being all manner of things I'm not
Over-dramatically and long-windedly put up here for anyone that is curious to see
I'm sure I'll use this in years to come to reflect on what the heck I've been doing these past months
But I plan on traveling again a lot sooner than that.
I'd like to keep using this blog to talk about myself less
And post higher quality photographs more!
If you think that's cool then check back, otherwise
In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Here are some links:
My cousin's blog, which is way better than mine:
I put some of my favorite shots I took on this website.
Don't buy them though they're way too overpriced
(Clearly I will never be a salesman)
But I'm pleased with my profile regardless
And I started making cool bamboo pipes!
I made an FB Artist Page to sell them
Though going to shows and trading and meeting people is a lot more fun